Splash Biography


Major: English, Psychology

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Caroline DeLuca

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1814: Babysitting 101 in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 07, 2019)
Want to be come a babysitter, but don't know where to start? Learn from a Boston College senior who has been regularly babysitting for the past 8 years! I've got all the tips and tricks to set you up for landing that side-job you want and need. This class will serve as a workshop to provide you with materials and advice that are helpful in getting you started with the process. I will provide you with the knowledge that I wish someone had given me when I first set out to become a babysitter!

X1781: Career and Life Exploration in Splash Spring 2018 (Mar. 25, 2018)
Boston College's Father Michael Himes poses the following 3 key questions: (1) What brings me joy? (2) What am I good at? (3) What does the world need me to be? In our hour together we will reflect upon these questions and how they apply and shape our life and career goals. We will spend some time in discussion and self-reflection as the Jesuit education at Boston College so strongly supports and believes in. Just as life is a journey, so is vocational discernment. I certainly will not be able to provide you with direct answers, nor will I tell you what you 'should' do with your career and life. However, my aim is to provide you with some of the skills necessary to jumpstart this journey and gain a clearer idea of what's best for you. One cannot get closer to a goal without first actually having a goal.

R1629: Resiliency and Self-Care in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 02, 2017)
The Resiliency and Self-Care course covers some essential bases required to live a happy and healthy life. We believe that a course such as this one should be required of all students throughout different stages of life. This course allows for introspection that can help students to have a greater awareness and ability to navigate through their everyday lives. By analyzing hobbies, friends, family, values, etc. and by learning skills to help carry students through their days, they find that they are better able to manage negative emotions and challenging experiences, coming out ontop resiliently.

S1632: Fuel Your Body in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 02, 2017)
This course covers the basic nutritional needs required for all individuals. We will delve into the material utilizing specific formulas to calculate exact requirements for individuals. Using the MyPlate icon we will do some meal planning that can be taken home and applied to everyday life. In addition, we will cover what each nutrient does for our bodies and approximate how much we should be consuming of each. We will cover serving sizes of certain food items and hacks to recognizing a serving size as such. In a country where underrating and overeating are both prevalent, it is important for all to know what appropriate and healthy eating looks like and consists of. In completing this course, students will better be able to care for themselves and for others they care about nutritionally.