Splash Biography


Major: History/Philosophy

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of Donald Orr

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X511: Sex and the College Student in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
Ever wonder what the crazy world of love, sex, dating, and relationships is like in college? Worried about maintaining a long-distance relationship after high school graduation? Interested in discussing sexual identity issues? Just intrigued by the fact that we have the word “sex” in our title? In this class, we’ll discuss all of the above and more, allowing students to explore issues relating to sexual and relationship health in a safe, open, informed, and FUN environment.

R514: Norse Mythology in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
Thor's not just a Marvel hero and the Greeks weren't the only ones with a complex and meaningful pantheon of Gods. The Vikings produced some of the most intricate and powerful myths known to man, all of which expressed a deep and nuanced understanding of the true meaning of life. Also, most of these Gods spent most of their time fighting giants, and who doesn't want to learn about that?