Splash Biography

SIONA CAHILL, Irish Law & Soc Exchange Student

Major: Law & Sociology

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Siona Cahill

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi Everyone!

My Name is Siona (She-en-ah) and I am so delighted and privileged to be taking part in this BC Splash Program for 2013.
I'm currently on exchange for the year to Boston College from the National University of Ireland in Maynooth (just outside Dublin City) so if you're looking for a class on Ireland taught by a genuine native, you've found the place. I Major in Law and Sociology, and hold an Entrance Schloarship and the McEvitt Memorial Award in Sociology from my home university.

Politics is a passion of mine - I've campaigned and helped others to campaign for roles on Undergraduate Governments, County Councils, Regional Councils, Student Forums, as well as National and European Campaigns. Over here, I helped out in the recent National and Senate Elections. In this vein I am so interested in Irish Culture - in short, what makes us tick, what makes so many people identify with Ireland, our music, our traditions, our stories and our landscape.

I hope that for our class we can sit down and discuss what interests you about the tiny island off the cusp of Europe - explain some of its rich history, politics, and how our country is dealt with in popular American Culture today.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

R862: Getting your Irish on - A crashcourse on the people, past, myth, lore and unadulterated awesome of claiming back your Irish Heritage. in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 07, 2013)
Want to know more about that tiny Island of Shamrocks on the cusp of Europe where more than 40 million people claim their heritage? This class will explore the Irish Diaspora and Identity - a little of everything from the fairy myths of old to the St. Patricks Day celebrations of Irish Culture in 2013. Learn about the little country with one of the richest cultures and histories in the world, and we might even tell you about the leprechauns.