Splash Biography

GEORGIE ASFOURA, BC Junior studying Economics and Studio Art

Major: Economics, Studio Art Minor

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2010

Picture of Georgie Asfoura

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X202: Advanced Leadership Training in Splash Spring 2011 (Mar. 27, 2011)
On a daily basis, college students encounter social situations that present unexpected obstacles. Armed with the right tools though, those obstacles can become opportunities to exercise leadership. This course will help develop each student's innate leadership abilities, refining their talents in an academic setting, so that they can stand up and step out in everyday situations.

X204: Conflict as an Opportunity for Learning in Splash Spring 2011 (Mar. 27, 2011)
Conflicts arise everywhere and frequently in our day-to-day lives. It forms from a breakdown in communication, differences in opinion, or assumptions we make, because we sometimes fail to recognize “the range of possibilities and the consequences of actions.” A true leader must be aware of his/her own tendencies to make presumptions and then find a way to combat them with effective techniques. This class will ask students to consider sources of conflict within themselves and then give them an opportunity to mediate a series of conflicts in a competitive setting.