Splash Biography


Major: English

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Sarah Booth

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1527: College in Popular TV shows: Fact or Myth in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 13, 2016)
We will look at how college is shown in movies and talk about whether it is accurate.

X1499: Know your feet/ankles in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 03, 2016)
Basically all you need to know about foot and ankle injuries! We will tell you all about orthopedic surgery, different injuries, various walking tools, and rehabilitation. You will even have the opportunity to see fun X-rays and a real life broken ankle survivor!