Splash Biography

DARRIEN BUSH, BC Freshmen interested in studying Psychology

Major: Psychology

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Darrien Bush

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hey! I'm a freshmen from Jersey City, New Jersey and I'm interested in psychology. Analysis and logical thinking are some of my favorite things, but that's not all. On my spare time, I like doing 3D Design and Animation and I also participate in a dance group. I've always enjoyed teaching and helping others, so I feel as if this would be a very good experience for me.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A1434: Bboy Basics: An Introduction to Breakdancing Fundamentals in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 03, 2016)
Join us for a dance workshop focused on beginners. We will be walking students through simple choreographies that combine basic toprock and footwork steps, to give a general idea of the breaking style. We will not be teaching power moves. This is a course intended solely for novices. Experienced dancers are welcome and appreciated but will not receive very much benefit from attending. Bring comfortable clothing that will be easy to move around in; this workshop can be physically rigorous. Sweatpants and t-shirts are a good idea, jeans and dress shirts are questionable. Participants will be spending extended periods of time on the floor.

R846: What's your character's name? Exploring Identity in Video Games in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 07, 2013)
Throughout the past few years, increasingly more and more people have been getting involved with video games all around. This ranges from family games to Massive Multi-player Online games. However, not everyone really appreciates video games because of the violence and the time commitment. Yet, there is still a lot to learn from video games such as philosophy and psychology. This course will primarily be focused on the philosophy of identity. How can video games help us understand what makes something itself? These questions will be explored but the amount of knowledge learned from video games is not limited to just those questions.

M896: Prime Numbers: Beauty Overlooked in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 07, 2013)
Do you know what a prime number is? Have you ever wondered what the big deal is with them? Primes are used for things such a RSA cryptography and other algorithms, but are also present in nature. For example, the Cicada only emerges to breed after a prime number of years (i.e. 13 or 17 years namely). The primes are also present in many works of art such as music. We will go over a brief history of primes, some cryptographic applications, their usage in art and nature, and ways of finding primes.