Splash Biography

CHRISTOPHER DUFFY, BC Junior Majoring in Political Science

Major: Political Science/History

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Christopher Duffy

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Originally from Tariffville, CT, I am a current BC student and lifelong baseball fan who had the chance to intern at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. Along the way, I met ESPN analyst Doug Glanville, had a catch with 2010 HOF Inductee Andre Dawson, held a hat worn by Roberto Clemente, a sweater worn by Ty Cobb, George Brett's bat from the "Pine Tar Incident", and bats used by Derek Jeter, Ted Williams, Honus Wagner and Babe Ruth. In short, the experience was a blast and I would encourage everyone to visit Cooperstown one day.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X489: Ballparks of Baseball: Past, Present and Future in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
Over the last 150 years, ballparks have taken on a variety of shapes, sizes and roles. Together, we will look at the evolution of the ballpark, from early models to modern day layouts. Along the way, we will learn more about the designs, structures, and uses of notable ballparks and examine the cultural significance that the ballpark has played in American society.

X150: Fenway Park: The Cathedral of Boston in Splash Spring 2011 (Mar. 27, 2011)
Borrowing a line from Ben Affleck's "The Town", this course will explore "The Cathedral of Boston", Fenway Park. First opened in 1912, Fenway has become an iconic part of both Baseball and Boston. With Fenway's centennial approaching in 2012, it is an appropriate time take a look back at the history of one of baseball's most hallowed landmarks. The lecture's organization will mimic Ken Burns' "Baseball" documentaries and be divided up into sections called "innings". Topics of discussion will include the architectural history of the park, the park's significant baseball moments, profiles of baseball greats with legacies connected to Fenway, profiles of people relevant to the park's history such as former P.A. announcer Sherm Feller, Fenway in popular culture and U.S. History, and Fenway's non-baseball usage, from Boston Patriots AFL games to the 2010 NHL Classic.