Splash Biography
SEBASTIAN GILBERT, BC Senior Film Student - Screenwriting
Major: Film Studies & English College/Employer: BC Year of Graduation: 2013 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm originally from South Jersey, right outside Philadelphia. I got interested in filmmaking in high school which turned me onto the Film Studies major at Boston College, where I took my first screenwriting class and realized that's where my passion always was - writing. I've written my own feature length screenplay, several short film scripts that have screened at the MFA, as well as worked for a small independent film production company based right outside of Boston. I've also taught a senior elective screenwriting class at Elizabeth Seton Academy my junior year at BC while I participated in the Pulse Program, specializing in tutoring in essay writing, literary analysis, and Title 1 programs. Overall, I love watching & talking about movies, acting and directing in student films, in addition to writing my own. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)A772: Written for the Screen - How to Write A Hollywood Screenplay in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 07, 2013)
Love movies? Ever think you could write one? Take this BC Splash course and learn what it takes to write a feature length film script that you can submit to contests, competitions, and even to Hollywood execs! Your story could be seen on the big screen.
A617: Written for the Screen - How to write a Hollywood Screenplay in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
Ever wonder how the big blockbuster, Hollywood movies are made? Before the stars are cast and the director yells Action!, there has to first be a story that the audience will inevitably see on screen. By taking this class you will learn how to develop an idea into a story and a story into a screenplay. By taking this BC Splash course, you will gain certain knowledge that will enable you to write a Hollywood-ready script.