Splash Fall 2012
Course Catalog

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Arts College Prep.
Lunch Math & Computer Science
Humanities Science


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A757: Theories of Humor: A look into why we find things funny Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexandra Nafash

In this class students will learn the major theories of humor. The main question is, why do we find things funny? We will look at movies, tv shows, jokes, etc. to help identify the reason why we laugh or if there even is a reason...The class is all about humor so bring your laughter A game.

A626: Analyzing Avatar: The Last Airbender
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Serena Entezary

Does anyone else really love Avatar? Not blue people Avatar, but blue arrows. We're going to look at the art style, the culture, the bending, everything you could think of! We'll look at the minute details and at the grand scheme of the Avatar-universe. We'll compare the four nations to existing places in Asia. We'll even learn how to draw your favorite characters! So... "Will you go penguin sledding with me?"

Should probably know Avatar and be interested in it

A617: Written for the Screen - How to write a Hollywood Screenplay
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sebastian Gilbert

Ever wonder how the big blockbuster, Hollywood movies are made? Before the stars are cast and the director yells Action!, there has to first be a story that the audience will inevitably see on screen. By taking this class you will learn how to develop an idea into a story and a story into a screenplay. By taking this BC Splash course, you will gain certain knowledge that will enable you to write a Hollywood-ready script.

A627: Boston College Photography Hike Full!
Difficulty: *

This is a basic photography class that will teach the basic functions available on digital cameras. While walking around the Boston College campus, we will apply techniques and skills to taking better pictures! Students should bring a digital camera from home. (any digital camera will do!)

A664: Hip Hop Dance Workshop! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Thien Dam

Come and get your dance on with a hip hop choreography taught by Thien Dam! Learn some cool moves, get a great workout, and unleash your inner dance potentials!

No prior experience required!

A662: How to Be a CollegeFashionista Full!
Difficulty: *

In this class, we will discuss the popular style blog, CollegeFashionista.com. As style gurus for the site, we will teach you how to shop for and create a great wardrobe for college plus various aspects of writing for a fashion website.

A647: Introduction to DJ'ing
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Perez

Explaining the main concepts behind mixing electronic, hip hop, and dubstep. We will go through a broad overview of hardware and software, followed by a basic introduction to mixing.


A731: Theatre Games and Improvisation Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Billy McEntee

This energetic and practical course shows how theatre can help free the body from tension and open the mind. Through improv, archetypal characters will be explored and we will also focus on ways to free the mind and body from stress, aiding in areas ranging from performance technique to test taking and interviewing.

A755: Irish Dance
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brianne Marron

Irish Dancing is a sport and art form growing in popularity since the break out hit Riverdance. Come and learn some of the basic steps from members of the Boston College Irish Dance Club and get jiggy with it!

A640: Popular Music Theory
Difficulty: **

A course teaching the basic fundamentals of music theory through the lens of popular music. The course will also showcase the roots of conventional musical ideas that transcend through time.

Recommended beginner experience in music, but not required.

A671: Synergy Dance Workshop Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Molly McMullan

Get your dance on with BC's premier hip hop group, Synergy Hip Hop Dance Company! Learn some swag, have a great workout, and embrace your inner dancer at our dance workshop, taught by current Synergy members! Check us out at syndance.com.

No prior dance experience necessary!

A683: Blueprint: An Intro to Architecture Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anne Archbald

This class will explore approaches to the study of architecture. We will examine some of the world's most famous buildings, and students will have an opportunity to use what they've learned to create an architectural design of their own.

A717: Pinterest Inspired Pinning Full!
Difficulty: **

Let's craft! And let's do it Pinterest style! Come join us while we dive into one of the many crafts on the exceedingly popular picture/hobby sharing website Pinterest! Inspired by one of the popular crafts on the site's "DIY and Craft" section, we are going to actual pins to create a beautiful work of art that you are sure to find PINteresting...

A714: Psychadelic Creations and the History of Tie-Dye Full!
Difficulty: **

Have you ever wondered how tie-dye came to be? From the ancient world, to the 70s, to today, this course will explore the development of the art form we know today as tie-dye. We will also learn how to make (and make!!!) some awesome tie-dye creations.

A666: Music Theory for Writing and Arranging
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicholas Zwolinski

Writing a decent song is simple. Writing an extraordinary song takes just a little bit more theory. Using examples of well known popular music, we will break-down song writing elements and evaluate them in terms of simple theory that anyone can understand. An open mind and a desire to be expressive are required!

Very basic musical skills and understandings are recommended, but not required

A612: How to Love Movies (revised and revisited)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nate Fisher

This course will attempt, in fifty short minutes, to upend everything you think you know about movies and the art of film.

Particular attention will be paid to the instances where I was completely wrong the last time I taught this class (though having attended said class is not at all necessary.)

Must have seen a movie.

A648: Billboard 100 Acappella Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Christopher Colgan

Do you enjoy beat boxing, singing to the radio, singing in your shower, or singing in a choir? Are you a fan of music from iTunes Top 100 and Billboard 100 charts? This class taught by members of the Bostonians, BC's Premiere Acappella group, will teach you how to sing and beatbox to popular songs of 2012. Guys and girls, come with an open mind and be ready to sing... Acappella Style

For a preview of what Acappella is check the Bostonians out at http://www.youtube.com/user/bcbostonians.

Some singing experience is recommended but is not a requirement! Just come with a love for music!

A659: The Colors of Friendship Full!
Difficulty: **

Learning the importance of friendship... while making little token of love for your friends! Learn the tricks and different designs of friendship bracelet making!!

A677: Telling Your Story Full!
Difficulty: *

Drawing inspiration from the Six Word Memoir Project, we will try and express our own story with only six words. We will then make a collage to reflect our lives and incorporate the words.

A688: Learning to Talk Spanish in a Soap Opera
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erick Perez

Fact: Spanish is a romance language. Wouldn't it be great to be able to talk like you're on a Spanish soap opera? Learn how to say phrases in Spanish that can describe a person and can be said in dramatic moments. As well as learning some Hispanic culture!

A697: What Makes Good Musical Theatre
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Chris Pinto

Musicals almost all have the same basic premise: a complex story mixed with song and dance, led by talented actors. So, why do some musicals fail miserably, and others go on to run for over 20 years and make billions of dollars worldwide? This will look at what makes certain musicals succeed when they open, while others are almost destined to fail, and relate it back to what might be more relatable to high school students (e.g. what factors go into deciding what musical a high school will perform?)

A722: Butterbeer 101 Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Maggie Bowlbym

Learn to make Butterbeer as good as Madame Rosmerta and enjoy a Three Broomsticks style atmosphere of conversation.

A love of Harry Potter

A756: I Got 99 Problems, But a Stitch Ain't One Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Melissa Perna

Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread. In this class we will learn basic stitches and techniques to get you started on sewing beautiful, handmade crafts.

No sewing or Jay-Z experience necessary.

College Prep.

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C670: What's your average SAT score?…and other questions you shouldn't ask
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alannah Smith

Every family does it. Very few families do it well. It's the college visit.

The college admissions process is the subject of newspaper articles, magazine cover pages, and books every year. It causes anxiety in students and parents alike. Learn from real BC tour guides and panelists how to do a college visit the right way. What questions should I ask? What things should I listen for? Is there anything I shouldn't do?

C631: Finding Your Perfect College Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Valerie Liang, Tina Lin

A guide to narrowing down your college choices. This lecture will help you figure out important factors and considerations when looking at colleges. Ease up your college application stress by attending this class. Come with questions!

C629: Love, Sex, and Dating Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tessa Condon

This will be a discussion based class so the direction we take is entirely up to you! Bring any and all questions you have about love, sex, or what makes a healthy relationship work. The atmosphere will be relaxed (and confidential!) We can discuss expectations for college dating culture, how to handle long distance relationships, and anything else you've got on your mind!

C625: College Life: Narrowing Schools and Transitioning to a New Chapter Full!
Difficulty: *

First half of course will help students navigate their college/university choices. Students will develop answers to questions like: Where do I apply? How many schools should I apply to? What do I look for in a college?

Second half of course will focus on the realities of college and how to have a successful college career. This discussion will help students with their anxieties about entering a new phase of their lives.

C689: Killer College Essays Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alexandra Truglio

Are you having trouble picking a topic for your college essay? Does it frighten you that an admissions officer will only read one piece of your writing out of thousands of papers you have written? This class will give you unbeatable essay ideas that will be sure to "WOW!" any person who reads it. After this class, you will have a model of what a killer essay should look like. Feel free to bring any drafts you have!

C716: The Art of College Admissions: What High School Students Need to Know About the College Application Process Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Roy Y. Chan

This course will provide you with the information and skills you need to make the college application process as painless as possible. The course will cover all aspects ranging from selecting the right college to submitting a winning college application, and hopefully will have you feel ready to hit the “submit” button before the November 30, 2012 deadline for fall 2013 admission. Topics/themes discussed will cover: Understanding Admission Factors, Early Admission Procedure, Developing a Financial Plan, Writing Personal Statement, Calculating GPA & SAT, as well as Asking Letter of Recommendations.

C750: Tackling the College Admission Essay
Difficulty: **

Writing an essay is arguably one of the hardest parts about the college application process. It may be intimidating at first, but that's where we come in! We'll give you tips on how to avoid the cliches, and review some examples of personal essays - the good, the bad, the creative, and the peculiar.

C642: Too Cool for School - Learning to Break the Ice for College Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jack Masterson

When freshman year of college rolls around, it's easy to focus on the negatives; I'm in a new place, I'm far from home, I'm surrounded by new people and don't have my old friends by my side. The bright side of this, however, is that everybody's in the same boat. While it is easy to remain in your shell during your first year of college, this class is all about how to break out, how to take full advantage of college and make your experience the best it can be.

C651: Dorm Essentials: How to Manage Your Dorm Room
Difficulty: *

Your dorm room is your home and your sanctuary. It is a place to relax, entertain, and study. This course will cover the requirements for a fun and successful dorm room. Students will learn how to maximize space depending on their type of room and how to organize the space with their future roommate(s). We will demonstrate how what some people may consider a small space, can be transformed into a great place to live, and that everyone on your floor will want to hang out in!

C660: Sex and the College Student Full!
Difficulty: *

Ever wonder what the crazy world of love, sex, dating, and
relationships is like in college? Worried about maintaining a
long-distance relationship after high school graduation? In-
terested in discussing sexual identity issues? Just intrigued by
the fact that we have the word “sex” in our title? In this class,
we’ll discuss all of the above and more, allowing students to
explore issues relating to sexual and relationship health in a
safe, open, and informed environment.

C684: High School Decision-Making
Difficulty: *

The goal of this course is to create a discussion around how to work towards post-high school goals while still fully enjoying the high school experience. We will look at good academic habits as well as common social issues encountered in high school. Attempting to balance schoolwork, athletics, clubs, and a rich social life can be tough for all of us in high school so this course aims to provide advice to high schoolers looking towards college. Good habits and enjoying yourself are key.

C703: Tackle the SAT...with candy and Jeopardy! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Bridget Thomas

The SAT exam is just one more frustrating hurdle in the college application process. Prep for the test can be both boring and very expensive. Come spend 15-20 minutes learning some useful tricks and tips to beat the SAT and then play a team oriented game of jeopardy with prizes!


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L762: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.

Math & Computer Science

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M605: Calculus: Dividing by Zero
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Ryan Dikdan

This course will be an introduction to single-variable calculus. We will go over some of the really cool concepts of analysis so that we can prove some way to get around thing's we're not allowed to do.
$$f'(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}\\
\int_a^\infty \frac{1}{x} dx=\infty$$

Knowing basic math.

M637: The Shape of Space Full!
Difficulty: **

Can a left handed person walk around the planet and come back right handed? Well, not on this one. But on another surface, this is quite possible. You can also walk around a knotted paths with out intersections or bridges, see yourself from behind without the help of mirrors, or be synonymously on the interior and exterior of the planet. In this class we will study a number of surfaces in three space, including the projective plane, the klein bottle, and multi-genus oriented an non-oriented surfaces.

M673: Measuring infinity
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lisa Piccirillo

How many integers are there? We all know the answer to that, there are infinitley many.

Okay, but are there twice as many integers as positive integers? I claim that no, there are just as many, still infinitley many.

Okay, then what about real numbers? It seems like if the above is true, there must be the same amount of real numbers as integers, still infinitely many.

In fact this is not the case. There are measurably more real numbers than there are integers. And there are infinitley many of both.

In this class we will learn some basic set theory which will allow us to discuss rigorously the cardinality of infinite sets, and we will describe one of the most fundamental open questions in mathematics, the continuum hypothesis.

M644: The Grid
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Josh Jackson

Did you know that your computer could be helping to cure diseases, searching space for extraterrestrial life, and crunching prime numbers when you're not using it? The Berkley Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) created a network based on grid computing that allows organizations to crowd-source their computer processing and aggregate TONS of useful data. This class looks at (very basically!) how this works and explores specifically a medical research project called Rosetta@home that is using BOINC to collect and analyze data on proteins. This data can be used to develop cures for diseases like Cancer, Malaria, HIV, and Alzheimers.

M690: Let's Make a Deal
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kimberly O'Neill

Want to know what is really behind that final door? Is it that $50,000 car? Or perhaps just a goat... What about your chances of rolling a Yahtzee! or getting dealt a royal flush? This class will explore the Probability Theory behind our favorite game shows and board games. We will use mathematical models to analyze the chances of particular outcomes and then how to strategically make decisions based on our calculated probabilities.

...All while playing games!

So what do you say? Deal or no deal?

M711: Introduction to College Math
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Megan Shein

A string of 1000 lamps, each with a simple on-off switch, are all off initially. 1000 people walk along the down the row of lights. Person #1 flips every switch. Person #2 flips the switches on lamps 2, 4, 6,
….., 1000.. Person #J flips every Jth lamp beginning with the Jth lamp. After all 1000 people have done their thing, which lamps
are on and which are off?

We will find a quick way to answer this question using divisors and prime factorization.

This class will also introduce students to mathematical notation, language, and thinking that is necessary in higher level mathematics in college.

By the end of class, you will be able to write and translate math language!



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R738: Reading for Fun: It Exists
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tory Mullen

If you've ever said in your entire life, "I hate reading," then this is the class for you. Reading for fun is something that really does exist, and if you know how to do it, it comes with an infinite amount of benefits such as a strengthened vocabulary and also having something to do when your iPhone dies. This class will help students to discover their interests that will guide them towards choosing books that will be easy and, yes, enjoyable for them to read in their free time.


R708: Presidential Pets: Animal Residents of the White House
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Patty Owens, Grace West

From George Washington's Coonhound Tipsy to Barack Obama's Portuguese Water Dog Bo, presidential pets have been the loyal bystanders to our country's history. Take this course to learn about the animal companions of our nations's leaders throughout history.

R705: Faith in Fantasy
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Bridget Thomas

Do you think Severus Snape’s actions are justified at the end of the Harry Potter series? Can you sympathize with Smeagol despite his evil alter-ego? Are you able to relate to Edmund Pevensie’s temptation with Turkish Delight? Come explore themes of faith and ethics in some of the most popular fantasy/fiction series! Read excerpts from the books, watch movie clips, and discuss the moral lessons that can be learned from reading about Lions, Wizards, and Rings.

Basic knowledge of the fantasy series: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, and the Hunger Games. Do not have to have read the books, but know basic plot outline and main characters.

R723: Once Upon a Dream: The Imaginary World of the Disney Princess Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Allyson LaConte

Cinderella may escape the ball in time, but she doesn't quite run away from her role as a traditional woman in a fairytale world. Learn about the messages that the Disney Princess movies send to children that don't match up with our idea of the modern woman. By watching and discussing clips from our favorite childhood movies, we'll delve into the real meaning behind these girls' stories and begin to define the princess who can truly live "happily ever after," riding off in her chariot with or without her prince.

R706: Listening to Babies: How Infants Speak Full!
Difficulty: *

Do you think babies are just blobs of cuteness that can't speak? Well you are wrong. Starting with an overview of the development pathway that many babies go through on their way to becoming toddlers, and leading up to a discussion of the Neonatal Behavioral Observation system, this class is structured to convince you that infants can speak and do have personalities before they can actually use words. The Neonatal Behavioral Observation system uses several cues and reflexes to identify an infants inherent likes and dislikes before they can actually voice them. This class is ideal for anyone who likes babies, psychology, science, clinical medicine, cute things, babies, or wants to be convinced that babies speak without using words.

Have you ever seen a baby? Well, then you can take this class.

R704: The Language and Mythology Behind Harry Potter
Difficulty: **

Ever wondered where J.K. Rowling got her ideas for her characters? Curious about the Latin origins behind spells and the mythological background to characters such as Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall? Come find out everything you wanted to know about Harry Potter and... that other Latin stuff. Make some ice cold butterbeer while you're at it!

Must have read at least 2 Harry Potter books.

R657: Ovid through the Ages: Mythology in Art
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Molly Phelps

Mythological subject matter has dominated the art world, and for good reason. These stories of love, betrayal, and morality have enraptured artists for centuries. This class will trace the development of style in art history, from ancient to modern times, using subject matter from Ovid's Metamorphoses.

R709: Heroic Humanity
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Patty Owens

This class will examine the idea of heroes in literature. Various protagonists, from Odysseus and Hercules to Hamlet, Robin Hood, Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen (etc.) will be discussed. The idea of a composite hero within mythology and literature will be explored. Finally, we will discuss the implications that this has on our own views of heroes and their existence in real life.

R614: Guerilla Warfare 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: William Rockwood

This course teaches the student in the basics of waging a guerrilla style military campaign against an enemy. We will cover hit and run tactics (with an emphasis on the running), urban terrorism, and weaponry by looking back through past guerrilla movements.


R691: Asian-Americans: The Great Silent Minority
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Matthew Alonsozana

Asian-Americans have long been considered the "great silent minority" in American politics. Despite the fact that Asian immigration to the U.S. increases every year and despite the success of Asian-Americans in many facets of American society, there has yet to be a wave of Asian-American civic and political involvement- a truly influential, and momentous source of change if it were to come about. This course will examine some of the socio-economic reasons behind this status quo, potential opportunities to increase civic engagement, and the implicit potential in the up and coming Asian-American leaders of our generation.

R658: The Philosophers of LOST
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven Ciardiello

This class is for fans of the show LOST. The show has many characters who share names with famous philosophers throughout history. This is no accident, and we will explore the connections the show makes with these historical thinkers.

R679: Friendship through Toy Story
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Natali Soto

This class will focus on Aristotle's definition of friendship as shown through Disney Pixar's "Toy Story". We will analyze clips in the movie and learn more about the famous philosopher's definition of friendship.

R676: Really Important Battles You've Never Heard Of
Difficulty: **
Teachers: William Rockwood

You know all the important battle, Gettysburg, Stalingrad, D-Day, now learn about the ones you never knew were important like Chalons, Fort Frontenac and Dien Ben Phu


R645: Creative Writing Laboratory
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lindsay Pierce

Try your hand at writing fiction, non-fiction, and poetry! We will do a variety of creative writing exercises and look at examples of short stories, poems, song lyrics, etc. for inspiration.

R701: Psychology in Pop Culture Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Bridget Thomas

Have you ever wanted to convince your parents to let you watch more TV? You might be surprised to learn how many principles of psychology are hidden, or not so hidden, in shows such as Gossip Girl, The Office, and Modern Family. Come watch and discuss clips from popular shows and see how they relate to principles of learning and social behaviors.

R616: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica: Misconceptions about Post-Soviet Russia
Difficulty: **

This course will be a discussion about Russian life in the 20 years after the end of the cold war and the fall of the Soviet Union and American misconceptions about their former enemy.

R603: Picking Presidents: 2012 Edition
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jonathan Priest

This class looks at the major presidential elections that have been held and will be held this year. Countries that will be examined are the United States, France, Venezuela, and Mexico. This class will discuss how these countries elect their presidents, the major contenders in each race, and if the election has already happened who won and why.

R646: Power in Imagery: wielding your influence through pictures
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sarah Slater

How do rulers communicate with their subjects? How do you establish authority without having ever met someone? What makes people trust and follow a leader? We will ponder these and other questions by examining how rulers, both historically and currently, use art and propaganda to establish and maintain authority.


R611: Political Structures in the World of Harry Potter
Difficulty: **

We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter’s world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort’s authoritarianism versus Dumbledore’s multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.

R653: Political Polarization in Congress
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Alexander Macheras

In this course we will discuss the various theories on the causes of polarizing politics. We will look into what has made it nearly impossible for Democrats and Republicans to come to any agreement. The class will include a discussion.

R698: Islam Safari: The Culture of Muslims in Northern Africa
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Taylor Shorten

Learn about the Islamic faith as well as its people by studying Islamic cities in Morocco and Ghana. Be ready to debate and discuss the misconceptions of both Muslims and Africans held by many in the Western world.


R687: The Battle of Gettysburg
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven Wagner

Ever wonder what it would be like living in a country where the Confederates triumphed in the Civil War? Discover the Battle of Gettysburg in the context of the Civil War

R604: United States Elections: 2012 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jonathan Priest

This class looks at the United States elections that will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Emphasis will be placed on the presidential election, marquee senate races, and the major issues at hand.

R732: What is a Person? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Boris Shkuta

How do we define the beginning and end of a human life? What sets humans apart from other living things? These questions, though at first it seems as though they have obvious answers, have been debated for centuries, and their answers have been constantly changing. The answers to these questions define who deserves certain rights and liberties, and who is excluded. We will look at issues such as abortion as well as life-support (think Terry Schiavo), and we will attempt to define what makes a living human being.

R655: Imperial Economics: Religious Practice and Economy in the World of Ancient Empire
Difficulty: **

Have you ever wondered how much our own economic system is rooted in the ancient practices of various empires? What economic practices of the various ancient peoples paved the way for capitalism and high-speed international trade? Beginning with the Greeks, how did the forms of currency, trading, and production transform onto the practices of Romans, the Holy Roman Empire, the East Roman Empire, and finally, the Ottomans and beyond? In outlining the different dynamics between ruling social groups and the discriminated, dominant religious practices, and economic relations with other states, we will get a sense of how important history (specifically ancient history) is in understanding the pillars of the modern global economy as well as the reciprocal relationship between religion, social structure, and economic life. Though historically rich, this class will focus primarily on building a basic understanding different types of economic set-ups and the issue of modeling historical realities in light of our own contemporary concepts.

R700: What's Linguistics?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brandon Short

What is lengua, язы́к, वाच्, 語言, język, language?

The Daily Beast includes political science, English Language, history, and anthropology on its list of the "13 most useless college majors;" but it doesn't include Linguistics.

What is linguistics? Why does linguistics matter? How can studying linguistics (casually or at a university) help you get ahead in "the real world"?

In this class we'll start by defining the science of linguistics, go on to touch on some interesting points of the science ("pop-linguistics"), then end with a discussion of the questions "does linguistics matter?"


R686: Lost in Translation: Language and Feminism
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anne Archbald

Do women speak a different language than men? What are metamessages? How have women made their voices heard in a male-centric literary tradition? These questions will be answered as we examine the intersections of feminism, linguistics, and literature.

R608: Activism 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Christopher Spicer

Direct-Action focused training will include
An introduction to the principles, philosophy, and history of nonviolent civil disobedience for social change; soft blockade tactics;
Interactive exercises to role-play a range of possible situations;
An opportunity for community-building and shared reflection on this process, including one's hopes and fears.

R618: Women Matter! Women in History
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Marie Pellissier

Bored with learning about the same old, dead men in history class? Ever wondered where the women were in all that? Come find out the stories of some of history's most powerful (and awesome!) women!

R649: Downton Abbey, Edwardian England, and World War I: Culture, Politics, and TV
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Marissa Marandola

Addicted to Downton Abbey? Craving a dose of historical drama before Season 3 airs in December? Come check out this class, which will explore the social values of the time, including rank and class, hot button political issues, such as Lady Sybil and Brandon's causes, and the changes brought to the Abbey by World War I. Hear the story of the real Downton Abbey, Highclere Castle, and the woman on whom Lady Grantham's character was based.The class will be interactive; nothing is required but a love of historical fiction and life at the Abbey!

R656: Beyond the Eerie Mansion: Conventions in Victorian Literature
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sarah Currier

Do you enjoy Dickens or the Bronte sisters? Well in this class we will explore a variety of elements common to Victorian and Gothic literature through the exploration of a short story from that time period. Come join us to learn more about the conventions of literary works in this time period.

R674: TV Sitcoms: From the Brady Bunch to Modern Family
Difficulty: **

The shows on TV tonight when you sit on your couch are totally different from the shows your parents and grandparents watched growing up. We'll watch some examples and decide what changed and why.

R696: Sex and Gummy Bears Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Joshua Tingley

This class will look at the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity and biological sex using our favorite friend, the gummy bear. In this course students will explore words like GAY, INTERSEX and BISEXUAL. The class will include a discussion on the media's portrayal of individuals like Kurt and Blaine on the popular television show, Glee and Tea Marvelli on Skins. This class is for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of the LGBTQ community, or anyone who wants to have fun with gummy bears!


R729: I Hate School: A Discussion on the American Education System Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Megan Shein

Come vent about the struggles your facing in school and learn how those struggles are comparable to schools across the nation. Learn about some of the background behind the system and how it came to be. This course will be a discussion based course on the issues that the American school system is facing today. We will cover various social contexts including different laws and struggles teachers and administrators face and how that affects the student body and their development.

R730: Following the Media Blindly Full!
Difficulty: *

Do you ever wonder how honest the media is? Are you politically confused from the messages circulating around you, so much so that you find yourself watching The Daily Show more than the actual news? Do you feel pressured from the image of modern masculinity or femininity? The media is not a flawless source of information. This course is designed as an introduction to media literacy, so that you can learn not to be a blind follower of media.

R741: Obama, Kevin Garnett, and Nelson Mandela: Building Community through the Philosophy of Ubuntu
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brendan Kennedy

How do you become a leader? How do you develop all-inclusive community? This class discusses the African humanist philosophy of ubuntu and how its tenets and ideals can be utilized to mobilize the masses.


[ Return to Category List ]

S707: Let's Get Hormonal
Difficulty: *

Hormones are the bodies messengers and primary means of communication between each of the body's systems. This short class seeks to give an introduction to a few of these very important messengers at a very introductory level. Several hormones will be discussed in context and we will go over the pharmacological uses of each, because some of these hormones double as drugs too.

Interest in science and/or medicine and/or the human body.

S619: Real Chemistry - Real Explosions Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Thomas Kelly

With centuries of history goes back to the earliest alchemists, chemistry has long held an important role in civilization. Join us while we explore the science behind some most visual displays suitable for the class room. Reactions of acids, pressure, color, and even fire will all be unraveled through our demonstrations.

S609: Horseshoe Crabs - Stayin' Alive and How They Do It
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Serena Entezary

Do you ever just wander the beach and stumble upon a shell of a horseshoe crab? Have you ever wondered about what they do? Did you know that their blood is a silver-blue? And that their blood is vital to you? Are you curious as to how they have managed to last for millions of years without changing too much? There's too many of them! Anyway, learn about the ocean's most interesting little ecosystems!

Basic understanding of biology.

S747: Defying Gravity: Everything you never knew about physics
Difficulty: **

Well, we probably won't be able to tell you everything you never knew about physics, but this will be an interactive course involving some surprisingly cool videos and demonstrations. Ellen DeGeneres likes physics; you can too!!

S694: Chemistry behind food! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Gregory Kane

This class is about molecular gastronomy. I know this may sound weird and difficult, but in fact, it is just the chemistry behind cooking! We are going to learn a bit about how chemistry and cooking come together. Then, we are going to make some food that you can all eat!

S665: EXTREME Science! 2.0 Full!
Difficulty: **

We will show you how to do some very cool scientific demonstrations, and why they work. For example, we will teach you how to breathe a huge fireball using nothing more than simple kitchen supplies.

S610: Dolphins - Debunking Myths and Making Waves
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Serena Entezary

Have you seen Flipper? Well, did you know that the sound that Flipper makes is actually the sound of a kookaburra bird? Surprise! We're going to learn about one of the most incredible creatures of the ocean, and the amazing things they can do. If you ever saw a show at SeaWorld or an aquarium, you probably heard a trainer blow a whistle whenever the dolphin did a flip - what's that all about? Here is going to be a discussion-type class where we can all talk about these super cool marine mammals!

Basic understanding of biology, psychology.

S719: Science Behind Ice Cream! Full!
Difficulty: **

Everyone craves ice cream once in awhile. Take this class, and you’ll never have to run to the supermarket again to satisfy your sweet tooth! With a dash of scientific background and a few scoops of sugar, milk and ice, we’ll teach you just how easy it is to make your own ice cream. Sign up for this class if you want a sweet retreat from a day of more serious Splash classes and join us for a super awesome ice cream sundae party. We’ll even provide the toppings!

S621: The Army Inside You
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Riley Drake

Risk or Diplomacy? What about life or death? A whirlwind introduction to insane, yet strategic battles that go on in your body every day (and how they can go terribly awry). This course will focus primarily on the t-cell response and how diseases are an evolving, as opposed to a static, threat.

Students should know what a t-cell is, and be prepared to ask questions

S720: Exercise, Nutrition, and Health of the Body for Teens Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: CJ Puzo

This course will cover the basics and essentials to weight lifting, plyometerics, building strength, and gaining muscle. We will also discussion the proper ways to live and eat healthily in order to promote a better standard of living. We will also address how problems of stress, self-esteem, and negative body image affect teens in our society, and we will consider ways to solve these problems.

S622: Poisons: An Introduction
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Riley Drake

Arsenic and old lace? Beginner luck! Everything you never wanted to know about neurotoxins (and other nasty stuff). This course will be a whirlwind introduction, loosely based off the book 'The Poisoner's Handbook' by Deborah Blum and the work of Vil Mirzayanov, inventor of the world's most potent neurotoxin, Novichok-5.

S667: Genomics & Epigenetics
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Daniel Shams

In high school, we are taught about DNA and how it's made of nucleotides and how it encodes for certain aspects of our being, but they miss the grand majority of what DNA actually is and what it does. In this course, we will analyze the interaction of DNA with the proteins that dictate almost everything DNA does, Histones. The material will be covered in such a way as to allow for even the youngest biologist to grasp the concepts and discover what is actually in the genome.

A basic understanding of DNA must be had.

S727: Why do I get sick!?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Greg Zandrow

The class will examine the impact germs have in our everyday lives, from the kitchen top to the hospital.
Questions like: why do I get sick? How can I protect myself from getting sick? How effective is hand sanitizer against germs? What are vaccines and are they actually bad for you? will all be addressed.

This course will be equal parts lecture and Q&A.

One year of biology (middle or high school) is highly recommended before taking this class.

S733: Free Food 101: Chemistry of Cooking
Difficulty: *

Do you like chemistry? Do you like cooking? Then register for Free Food 101: Chemistry of Cooking and learn how to make Coca Cola Caviar with Sodium Alginate and Coke brew, and Glowing Jell-O with tonic water!


[ Return to Category List ]

X639: Body Image and Women in the Media
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Liz Doherty

With so many images of women portrayed in the media, it's often very easy to get caught up in it all. Female celebrities, athletes, and models distort our perceptions of what it means to be beautiful in society today. The tactics that these media sources use such as photoshop and airbrushing techniques only add to the problem. First, let's become informed of the realities of body image and women in the media. Then, let's work to remind each other that healthy is the new skinny!

X715: Fifa Soccer and the World
Difficulty: *
Teachers: CJ Puzo

This course will talk about the impact that the beautiful game has on people all over the world. We will talk about famous matches, players, and analysis from the latest games from some of the major leagues in Europe.

X643: Can't Stop, Won't Stop: Zumba Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Susana Benitez

Workout to the rhythms of salsa, merengue, cumbia, pop and many more.

X650: Dormroom Desserts Full!
Difficulty: **

Ever had a craving for a sweet tooth but there was no oven in sight? Come learn how to create delicious and divine desserts all with merely a microwave. If you love to bake or even if you just love to eat sweets this is the class for you!

X740: Football, Film, and Facts: Being One of the Guys
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brendan Kennedy

What makes a man? Who do we look up to as true men in our society? Are they really people to lionize? This class will be an honest conversation about masculinity and what it takes to be a man in the 21st century. Man up and sign up!

X620: There and Back Again: Road Trips 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Adam Popper

From the dense green forests of Washington state to the arid open deserts of New Mexico, from the warm beauty of the southern California coast to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan's avenues, there exists in our country a vastness in area and diversity unlike anywhere else. Come to my class, and I will show with you how all those far-reaching places are a whole lot closer than you think.

X726: Barely Running: The Nature of Barefoot Running Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jordan Hamm

Have you ever wondered what all of the hype is about barefoot running? In the course, we will go through the history of barefoot running and explore the science behind it. We will also discuss the recent revolution to lose those clunky shoes that was inspired by the novel Born to Run. With all of our knowledge, we will then put it to practice and record our barefoot stride with a slo-mo camera on Alumni Field!

No prior running experience needed.

X743: Cooking Peruvian Food Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Wilder Chavez

Come and learn about Peruvian culture while cooking authentic dishes.

X713: The Evolution of Beyonce
Difficulty: *

Come learn about one of the greatest female singers of all time! Join us as we discover Beyonce's rise to fame, current musical influence, and general perfection. Get ready to be involved one of the greatest musical hours of your life! If you love Beyonce, and fun, this class is for you.

X641: Myth-busters: Fashion Edition
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kristen DiBlasi

There are so many fashion misconceptions out there. Don't mix prints, match your purse and your shoes, black brown and navy don't mix, don't wear white after labor. This class will bust those fashion myths and show you how to break these misconceptions and be more stylish than ever.

If students would like to bring their own clothing to put together in outfits they can do that.

X702: Friendship Bracelets and the Art of Crafting Awesome Friendships
Difficulty: *

Our class offers friendship bracelet instruction as well as an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns about making friends in college.

X710: How to Survive in the Alaskan Wilderness
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Conor Sulivan

Learn what it takes to survive in the Alaskan Wilderness. Tip include knot tying, equipment, food, safety, and everything in between!


X633: How to Save a Life: Learning The Basics of CPR Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Heather Funk

This class will provide students with a overview of proper life-saving CPR techniques. In this class students will learn about the chain of survival, compressions, AED usage, and choking. Whether a student is interested in emergency medicine or just interested in learning techniques that could someday help them save a life, this class is great for anyone!


X675: ¡Baila con Fuego! Full!
Difficulty: **

Have fun and learn some basic salsa, merengue and bachata moves from members of BC's Latin dance team Fuego del Corazón. No dance experience necessary.

X615: Quidditch then and now
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Lucas

Come learn to play Quidditch and the interesting story behind the game!


X754: Ginger Theory
Difficulty: *

This course will explore famous gingers throughout history, myths about gingers, why gingers may go extinct in the future, etc. We will serve gingersnaps and gingerale as refreshments. If you're looking for some ginger solidarity, or just think that red is a beautiful hair color, sign up!!

X624: Lacrosse 101
Difficulty: **

Have you ever played the amazing sport of lacrosse? If not, that is completely fine! Taking this class, you can learn the in's and out's of the game. Demonstrations on cradling, plays, shooting, and passing will be administered. Every student will get to try out some of their new moves on the field. You will walk away being a lacrosse pro and fanatic. This class is sure to be a great time and lots of fun!!

X724: Make Your Own Crepes! Full!
Difficulty: **

Ever wanted to travel to France, sit by the Eiffel Tower and eat a crepe while picking up some native French words? Well, we can cover two of the four of those things here at BC! It's not quite Paris, but in our class we will be showing you how to make your very own crepes, and a few french words to go along with your cooking skills! Come hungry, and leave feeling tres bon! (Please let us know if you have any food allergies before coming to class!)

X749: Urbanopoly: Understanding Racism, Poverty, and Class Inequality Full!
Difficulty: *

Students will play a real life Monopoly game to learn about poverty, racism and class inequality, as well as engage in discussion on these topics.

X734: Lunch Session 1
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Austen Hendler

Lunch session at 12:00 pm

X712: The Search For The Perfect Wave
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pat Kelly

Come and join the hunt for the perfect wave. In this course, we will learn the history of surfing and bodyboarding, as well as the basics techniques of both. In addition, we will hunt the world for some of the best surf spots and discuss what is the perfect wave.

X634: Real Estate in the Real World!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Naomi Gallimore

Have you ever thought about being a real estate agent? This class will provide you with the basics of becoming a real estate agent at a young age and inform you on how to get started! Just think one day you could be selling a house to one of the Kardashians!

X751: A Little Birdie Told Me
Difficulty: *

Come learn about twitter, the social media phenomenon that is taking the internet by storm, 140 characters at a time. #ALBTM

X661: Ultimate Cookie Decorating Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexandra Truglio

Are you sick of eating the mundane chocolate chip cookie? Do you ever have trouble figuring out what type of treat to bring to a party? If so, this is the class for you! We will learn how to decorate cookies in simple ways yet add flair to the simple dessert. You will know what type of cookies are suitable for each holiday and season. Cookie decorating is a great way to bring your family and friends together!

X744: Advanced Productivity Techniques Full!
Difficulty: *

Between school, work, and your own personal life, the amount of stuff you need to get done can sometimes seem overwhelming. Learning how to better organize your life and execute on your goals can lead to better grades, more fulfilling accomplishments, and even more free time to just have fun.

This class will teach advanced productivity techniques and patterns such as Inbox Zero, Getting Things Done (GTD), and our own personal methods developed over years of effort. By applying these techniques, as well as modifying them to suit your own style, you will find yourself doing more and stressing out less than ever before.

X735: Lunch Session 2
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Austen Hendler

Lunch Session at 1:00 pm.

X635: Competitive Pokémon Battling
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ryan Dikdan

This course will be a lot of fun and will involve talking about the mechanics behind the Pokémon video games in particular, as well as just ranting about how much fun and how awesome these games are!

An understanding of the Pokémon video games as well as Pokémon.

X654: Repello Muggletum! Harry Potter Trivia for the Dedicated Witch or Wizard
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Allie Reid

Do you consider yourself a Harry Potter expert? Would the professors at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry be impressed by your spell casting, potion making and history recalling skills?

Join this class to test your knowledge of the magical world that is Harry Potter! Perhaps you may even learn a few things as well.

X728: Fantasy Football 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Shawn Quinn

Do you struggle deciding whether to draft a RB or QB first, setting your game day lineup, or who to pick up on waivers? Then you need to come to Fantasy 101 to learn the ins and outs of fantasy football.

An open mind

X638: Pinterest Party: 3 Course Meal and Hosting Tips A La Pinterest Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kristen DiBlasi

Pinterest has taken the internet world by storm. No other place can you access limitless inspiration for anything your heart desires. No category on Pinterest is as enticing as the "food" category. Pinterest Party will teach you how to prepare a 3 course cohesive meal from recipes found on Pinterest as well as take into account party decor to help make your Pinterest party more than just a meal!

X669: Finding Happiness in Everyday Life
Difficulty: **

You put hours of effort into your sports team. You devote days on end to your academics. But how much time do you spend on your happiness? In this class we want to discuss what makes you happy and how we can all find our personal happiness. Come with an appetite for conversation and baked goods!

X623: Work It!
Difficulty: *

This is a fun and exciting workout class where you will learn how to tone your abs, buns and thighs! We have a wide variety of exercises that will keep you entertained and fit all at the same time. This class is a great way to burn some extra calories while still having fun with your friends.

X685: Excuse me?! That's my right to privacy!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Courtney Kuhn

You have a right to privacy but does your right to privacy still exist? In a modern world where every photo is uploaded on facebook and every mundane task is tweeted, protecting your privacy proves more difficult. Take this class to learn the history of privacy laws, how corporations use your information for profit, and how to defend your privacy!

X652: Vegan Cooking: Health Made Easy Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Mariajose Cruz

Eating a vegan diet (without animal products such as any meat, eggs and milk) has many health benefits. Among them are: lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and disease prevention. Eating vegan is also better for the environment and is part of a more sustainable lifestyle.

In this class, we will be cooking a vegan main meal (Quinoa and Black Beans) and a vegan dessert (Tangy Poppy Seed Fruit Salad). Afterwards, this will be accompanied by a short slideshow with more info on vegan eating.

Come for the food! Change for the principles.

Conscientiousness about health and the environment, and the audacity to eat what you cook for yourself!

X663: The Show About Nothing: An In Depth Analysis of "Seinfeld"
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Max Vincent

We have all heard about "Seinfeld" one way or another. For nine seasons, it reigned supreme on prime time television. But why has it stood the test of time as the mecca of sitcoms? Why has a shirt from one episode been placed in the National Archives in Washington D.C.? This course will examine the structure and philosophy of the legendary sitcom as well as its lasting impact on 21st century America.

the basic idea of the show e.g. characters, 1-2 quotes, etc.

X699: 3 course Italian meal...in less than 2 hours! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Bridget Thomas

We all know that the pasta tastes so much better in the Little Italy of Boston. Do you want to be let in on a few of the secrets that the Italians use in their recipes? In this course, learn how to make a simple appetizer, pasta dish, and dessert true to the cooking styles of Parma, Italy.

X632: First Aid: Do You Know What To Do In An Emergency? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Heather Funk

Do you know what to do in an emergency situation? If a friend is bleeding or has problems breathing, do you know what to do? In this class, students will become familiar with first aid response for breathing problems, bleeding treatment, allergic reactions, and alcohol poisoning. Students will get hands-on practice with epipen trainers and other first aid techniques.


X628: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Money! Full!
Difficulty: **

Want to learn how understanding the basic concepts behind running a profitable lemonade stand can put you on the path
to financial independence and success? This class will provide you with the introductory knowledge you need to take what you’ve got and turn it into big bucks. Personal finance and investing have never been this easy!

X742: Amazing Race around Boston College
Difficulty: *

Do you think you and your partner have what it takes to complete an amazing race through Boston College? Compete against other teams to find out whether you are ready for this challenge. In this race, you and your teammate will look for clues around the BC campus, learning more about this unique institution. There is a special prize for the winning team!

X682: French Cuisine: Make Your Own Crepes!
Difficulty: *

If you love to cook, love to eat, and love France, then come learn how to make crepes! We’ll be using master chef Julia Child’s recipe to make the classic French dessert and get a taste of the delicious Parisian street food.

X630: MURDER! and Pizza! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tessa Condon

In this class we will learn about notorious murders, famous serial killers, and the fascinating psychology behind it!

X636: Manicures 101 Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rachel Broderick

Do you hate spending the time and the money going to a salon to get your nails done? The solution is here! Manicures 101 will teach you the tools and tricks to turn your home into a salon! By the end of this class, you will know how to pick the hottest nail colors for any season.

X668: Nuts and Bolts of Nutrition Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Marina Iturralde

Have you ever thought about the benefits or consequences of the things you eat? In this class, we will cover the steps you can take to advocate for a healthy lifestyle. Through engaging in conversation, together we will debunk the myths regarding nutrition.

X672: How to Make a Citizen's Arrest
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Molly Phelps

As a citizen of these United States of America, you have a right--nay, a RESPONSIBILITY to prevent forces of evil from taking over our nation. In this class you will learn how to make a citizen's arrest, and even put your new skills to the test in a citizen's arrest scavenger hunt around the BC campus. POWER TO THE CITIZEN!

A desire to be awesome.

X678: A Bumpy Ride: Navigating the Braille Trail
Difficulty: **

Have you ever wanted to learn how to read Braille? Now is your chance to start! In this class, we will learn about the history and creation of Braille, the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation. We will cover different Braille reading techniques, and each student will receive a card with the Braille alphabet on it that he or she can keep. Learning to read Braille is a difficult process, and this class will give a thorough introduction to the basics of Braille.

X680: An Analysis of PSY's "Gangnam Style"
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Yoshika Wason

In this class we will interpret the meaning of the song Gangnam Style, analyze the music video as social satire and discuss the current state of Korean pop music on the international scale.

suggested that you have heard the song "Gangnam Style" and have seen the accompanying music video

X692: How to Hack Life: A Guide to Hyper Productivity
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matthew Alonsozana

How would it feel to have more than 24 hours in a day? Although this would be impossible physically, it is certainly possible mentally. We will explore numerous techniques to help you hack life and get more than 24 hours out of your normal day. Topics addressed will include basic to advanced life management, time optimization, speed reading, sleeping tactics, and more.

X693: Spaghetti Architecture
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Silvia Turk

Can you and your team build the tallest tower using only raw spaghetti, tape, and marshmallows? Learn about teamwork and leadership through this seemingly simple task

X695: Spain

This class will teach students about Spain and the Spanish culture. In particular, we will focus on the capital city of Madrid. All aspects of Spanish culture will be taught such as types of food, the importance of soccer, and how the Spanish culture differs from the American culture.

X721: What's Cookin Good Lookin'? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nipheannaboth Long

Cooking is very easy and very fun. Learn to cook a delicious chicken based dish. You can impress your friends and family with this scrumptious and simple dinner. We'll cook, dance to some good music, and hang out while learning a very important skill in life.

Must like to eat.

X725: Pretty Woman: Prostitution or just love?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Maxine Auzerais

Challenge yourself to look into the subject of prostitution. You may think you have it all figured out. You might think you know. But I bet you would never think that prostitution has anything to do with your life. Come Find Out. It might make you think about your own life choices.

An open mind

X736: Social Networking Etiquette 101, or how not to sound like a fool on the internet
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jane Woo

Have you ever scrolled through your twitter or Facebook feed and wonder, "Why in God's name would anyone EVER post that for the public to see?!" Learn how not to become one of them by taking this course. You may think everything I will say to you in common sense but trust me, not sounding like an idiot on the internet is harder than it looks. Bonus topic on Instagram.
Disclaimer: Explicit language and/or content may be involved; those easily offended should not take this course (and probably should stay off the internet as well).

X739: An Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erin Furlong

Interested in movies by acclaimed Japanese directors like Akira Kurosawa, Hayao Miyazaki, or Yojiro Takita? Want to learn how to introduce yourself and have a basic conversation in Japanese? Or do you simply love Pocky and other famous Japanese treats? Come enjoy a super quick overview of some of the best aspects of Japanese culture and the language!

X745: Flex Your Rights - How To Deal With Police 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Aaron Johnson

Learn how to protect your privacy and constitutional rights during police encounters.

X746: Guitar Hero 101 & Tournament
Difficulty: **

The beginning of the class will be dedicated to introducing Guitar Hero and the fundamentals of how to play. The second portion of class will be dedicated to a Guitar Hero Tournament. The course is open to all Guitar Hero players; beginners, experts, and everyone in between are welcome!

X748: Body Image- How to love yourself in spite of the media
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amilia James

Women get bombarded with messages everyday of what they should look like, how they should act, and who they should be. How do you accept and love your own body when the media is constantly saying you need to change? We will look at how the media manipulates photos with photoshop and the messages sent by advertising, as well as the messages our culture send us daily. We will have an open discussion on how we can come to accept ourselves just as we are.