Splash Biography
Major: Math College/Employer: BC Year of Graduation: 2013 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)M711: Introduction to College Math in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
A string of 1000 lamps, each with a simple on-off switch, are all off initially. 1000 people walk along the down the row of lights. Person #1 flips every switch. Person #2 flips the switches on lamps 2, 4, 6,
….., 1000.. Person #J flips every Jth lamp beginning with the Jth lamp. After all 1000 people have done their thing, which lamps
are on and which are off?
We will find a quick way to answer this question using divisors and prime factorization.
This class will also introduce students to mathematical notation, language, and thinking that is necessary in higher level mathematics in college.
By the end of class, you will be able to write and translate math language!
R729: I Hate School: A Discussion on the American Education System in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
Come vent about the struggles your facing in school and learn how those struggles are comparable to schools across the nation. Learn about some of the background behind the system and how it came to be. This course will be a discussion based course on the issues that the American school system is facing today. We will cover various social contexts including different laws and struggles teachers and administrators face and how that affects the student body and their development.
X533: So You're Hooked on Vampires... in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
This course will be presented as a college seminar on the vampire craze of modern society. Learn how vampires have taken over the media and discuss their prevalence in today's culture. Come watch clips of the Salvatore and Cullen families, and enjoy a light hearted discussion on vampires.
M556: Intro to College Math in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
100 passengers have boarding passes for a plane with 100 seats. The first x<10 passengers lose their boarding passes and just sit anywhere. The remaining passengers board the plane one at a time sitting in his assigned seat if it is unoccupied, otherwise he randomly chooses an empty seat. For passenger j>10 determine the probability that he will end up in his assigned seat.
Answer this challenge problem and learn some basics of higher level college math.
M301: Intro to College Math in Splash Fall 2011 (Nov. 13, 2011)
A string of 1000 lamps, each with a simple on-off switch, are all off initially. 1000 people walk along the down the row of lights. Person #1 flips every switch. Person #2 flips the switches on lamps 2, 4, 6,
....., 1000.. Person #J flips every Jth lamp beginning with the Jth lamp. After all 1000 people have done their thing, which lamps
are on and which are off?
We will find a quick way to answer this question using divisors and prime factorization.
This class will also introduce students to mathematical notation, language, and thinking that is necessary in higher level mathematics in college.