Splash Biography
Major: Art History College/Employer: BC Year of Graduation: 2014 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)R1071: The Monuments Men: The Truth Behind the Movie in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
George Clooney's adaptation of the story of "The Monuments Men" is filled with intrigue, suspense, and even romance. However, the real story of these heroes of world culture is even more fascinating! This class will explore the true story of the Monuments Men that the movie doesn't show you, and deal with the question "is art worth a life?".
R946: The "F" Word: A Discussion of Feminism in Splash Fall 2013 (Nov. 17, 2013)
Why are so many people afraid to call themselves a feminist? Didn't that movement end in the 1970s? This class will be a discussion based seminar about the issues of feminism today, and why it's crucial now more than ever to fight for feminist issues. Open to men and women alike!
R657: Ovid through the Ages: Mythology in Art in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
Mythological subject matter has dominated the art world, and for good reason. These stories of love, betrayal, and morality have enraptured artists for centuries. This class will trace the development of style in art history, from ancient to modern times, using subject matter from Ovid's Metamorphoses.
X669: Finding Happiness in Everyday Life in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
You put hours of effort into your sports team. You devote days on end to your academics. But how much time do you spend on your happiness? In this class we want to discuss what makes you happy and how we can all find our personal happiness. Come with an appetite for conversation and baked goods!
X672: How to Make a Citizen's Arrest in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
As a citizen of these United States of America, you have a right--nay, a RESPONSIBILITY to prevent forces of evil from taking over our nation. In this class you will learn how to make a citizen's arrest, and even put your new skills to the test in a citizen's arrest scavenger hunt around the BC campus. POWER TO THE CITIZEN!
X445: The Art of Thrifting and Recycling Clothes in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
Want to look like a million bucks without paying for it? Come
to The Art of Thrifting and Recycling Clothes! In this class
you will learn ways to save money on fashion as well as how
to reduce waste by recycling items of clothing.
X278: The Art of Thrifting and Recycling Clothes in Splash Fall 2011 (Nov. 13, 2011)
Want to look like a million bucks without paying for it? Come to The Art of Thrifting and Recycling Clothes! In this class you will learn ways to save money on fashion as well as how to reduce waste by recycling items of clothing.