Splash Biography


Major: Political Science

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Creighton Dixon

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

R786: Political Structures in the World of Harry Potter in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 07, 2013)
We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter’s world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort’s authoritarianism versus Dumbledore’s multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.

R611: Political Structures in the World of Harry Potter in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter’s world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort’s authoritarianism versus Dumbledore’s multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.

R419: Political Structures in the World of Harry Potter in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 01, 2012)
We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter’s world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort’s authoritarianism versus Dumbledore’s multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.

R254: Political Structures and Policies in the World of Harry Potter in Splash Fall 2011 (Nov. 13, 2011)
We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter's world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort's authoritarianism versus Dumbledore's multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.

R3: Political Structures and Policies in the World of Harry Potter in Splash Fall 2010 (Nov. 06, 2010)
We will examine the political structures of Harry Potter's world and discuss the ramifications of their political schemes. Attention will be specifically applied to the differences between the Voldemort's authoritarianism versus Dumbledore's multi-party meritocracy at Hogwarts. Division of power will be discussed within the context of the Ministry of Magic and their different branches of government. The class will cover all seven books, so yes, it contains spoilers.