Splash Biography


Major: English and Sociology

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Christopher Criswell

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

R655: Imperial Economics: Religious Practice and Economy in the World of Ancient Empire in Splash Fall 2012 (Nov. 04, 2012)
Have you ever wondered how much our own economic system is rooted in the ancient practices of various empires? What economic practices of the various ancient peoples paved the way for capitalism and high-speed international trade? Beginning with the Greeks, how did the forms of currency, trading, and production transform onto the practices of Romans, the Holy Roman Empire, the East Roman Empire, and finally, the Ottomans and beyond? In outlining the different dynamics between ruling social groups and the discriminated, dominant religious practices, and economic relations with other states, we will get a sense of how important history (specifically ancient history) is in understanding the pillars of the modern global economy as well as the reciprocal relationship between religion, social structure, and economic life. Though historically rich, this class will focus primarily on building a basic understanding different types of economic set-ups and the issue of modeling historical realities in light of our own contemporary concepts.