Splash Biography

BETHANY CANDAGE, BC freshman studying Nursing

Major: Nursing

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Bethany Candage

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm Bethany! I'm from a very small island off the coast of Maine, and now I'm here at Boston College as a freshman in the Connell School of Nursing! The transition was a big one, and a tad intimidating, but the faculty and my peers here at BC have made it a smooth one! In high school I was very involved in everything from 3 varsity sports, to student government and theater! So far my time at BC has been exciting, and I can't wait for 4 more years! :)

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C1142: Finding my Wings..Becoming a Boston College Eagle in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 16, 2014)
This course will cover the ways different people have handled their transition into Boston College, including my own. Coming from a small island in Maine, my transition was a large one, so I'll share my personal opinions on my own transition into Boston College, as well as feature other unique stories of my peers and their backgrounds and how they handled their transition, The course will also include some (hopefully) useful tips to help you settle in at the college you choose! :)