Splash Fall 2014
Course Catalog

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Arts College Prep.
Lunch Math & Computer Science
Humanities Science
Walk-in Seminar Miscellaneous


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A1135: Drawing the figure Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Lu

In this course you will learn how to observe the human figure as a dynamic object. You will record movements to analyze the way the muscles and parts of the human body interact and learn to appreciate the whole form of the figure through the parts that form it.

A1169: The Dougie is the Same Thing as the Twist: How Pop Music Hasn't Changed Full!
Difficulty: **

Though separated by years and genre are Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Kesha, Lady Gaga, and the likes one in the same? Was your grandmother's taste in music really that different from yours? Truthfully, music hasn't changed that much since the 1950s. Come find out why and how.

A1202: The Philosophy of Fight Club
Difficulty: **

A look into all the ethical principles and philosophical ideologies hidden within the plot of Fight Club

A1127: Technical Theatre: Intro to Design 1 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Samuel Biondolillo

Learn the basics of lighting and stage design while touching on sound and projections in theatre. This course will cover basics of theatrical process and technical vocabulary. This course would be ideal for any student interested in learning about the backstage end of theatre.

None: Realize that there is a lot of material covered in this course and it is simply an overview.

A1194: Comparing Music Videos
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Fabiola De Armas

Music videos are an integral part of contemporary society. It is interesting to compare music videos and see how they have evolved. Some videos have social purposes behind them while others are made for plain entertainment. Come watch and see for yourself how music videos impact contemporary culture!

A1201: Clay 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Elsie Guevara

In Clay 101 students will learn the basics of ceramics. Students will be introduced to a couple of hand-building techniques, such as pinch, coil and slab. In addition we will explore texture and the multiple stages of clay.

A1132: Emo Music
Difficulty: **
Teachers: John Marvin

An overview of the history, development, and varieties of modern emo music, including the genre's influences, varieties, and offshoots.

Interest in music; tolerance for screamed/yelled vocals.

A1121: Improv Comedy Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sean Bloomstine

Learning Short-Form Improv with some of the members of My Mother's Fleabag.

A1151: Drawing, Studio Art class Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Lu

This class is designed to give a quick introduction to drawing media and techniques. Basic ideas of light and shadow, tones, lines, shapes, composition, and porprotions will be introduced. Students will also have a chance to sketch from live models. This class is highly recommended for those interested in studio art.

A1167: DJ Mixing 101
Difficulty: **

Ever wanted to learn the techniques used to mix songs and create a DJ setlist? This is an introductory class just to get your feet wet with the tools and software needed to DJ.

A1126: Art in Society: An Analysis of the Worlds Most Famous Works!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Harrison Kenner

Ever wondered the story behind famous works of art? Do you enjoy going to famous art museums? We'll discuss major pieces of art that have changed society and the story behind their creation!


A1128: Intro to Theatrical Process: An Overview
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Samuel Biondolillo

This course will provide a broad overview of the roles in theatre, the theatrical space, and the process of theatre from start to finish. This course is ideal for anyone looking to get involved in theatre arts or just interested in the process of putting on a play. All experience levels welcome! (Also see my course A1127: Technical Theatre: Intro To Design 1 for a course specific to tech theatre.)

None: Students should be ready to explore inner creativity!

A1134: Writing Between the Lines Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jasmine Ruscoe

A lot more goes into a story than the words on the page. This class focuses on character and plot development, with an emphasis on going beyond the physical. We will look at what makes our favourite characters loveable, how to patch up plot holes and cliches, and how to make our stories our own. I will engage with the class' favorite published material, my own work in progress, and any WIPs or questions students have. I will also ask students to participate in a few writing exercises and I would encourage students to share when called upon.

A1206: Taylor Swift
Difficulty: **

Everything to know about Taylor Swift.

Love of Red and Fearless albums.

A1211: Fragrance as an Artform
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Suneer Sood

Explore the creative nature of perfume and cologne by learning proper application and gaining exposure to uniquely enchanting scents through this crash course!

College Prep.

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C1142: Finding my Wings..Becoming a Boston College Eagle
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Bethany Candage

This course will cover the ways different people have handled their transition into Boston College, including my own. Coming from a small island in Maine, my transition was a large one, so I'll share my personal opinions on my own transition into Boston College, as well as feature other unique stories of my peers and their backgrounds and how they handled their transition, The course will also include some (hopefully) useful tips to help you settle in at the college you choose! :)

C1136: The Art of College Admissions: What High School Students Need to Know About the College Application Process Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Roy Y. Chan

Since Fall 2012, this award-winning class has provided students with the knowledge and skills they will need to make the college application process as painless as possible. Specifically, this course will examine all aspects of the college application process from selecting the right college/university to submitting a winning college application, and hopefully will have you feel ready to hit the “submit” button before the November 30, 2015 deadline for Fall 2016 admission. Some topics/themes we will cover are: a) Understanding Admission Factors, b) Early Admission Procedure, c) Developing a Financial Plan, d) Writing Personal Statement, e) Calculating GPA & SAT, f) Asking for Letter of Recommendations, as well as g) Taking Campus Tours.

At the completion of the class, ALL students will receive a complimentary "2014 Guide to New England Colleges and Universities" from the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). This course is taught by Roy Y. Chan, Ph.D. candidate at Boston College and visiting fellow at Harvard University. For questions about course, please contact: roy_chan@mail.harvard.edu

C1139: Ever to Excel: Finding your Passions and being Succesful in College
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Greg Michalowski

Nervous about being a successful college student? Don't know what you want to do yet with your life? Come to this class to learn about the college experience and figure out more about how to find yourself in college

C1213: Doctor S and Doctor L to the rescue! Full!
Difficulty: *

Pre-med advice! Learn about the truths and myths.

C1157: How to Live Sustainably in College Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Melissa Dangond

Come and learn how to limit your environmental footprint in college!

C1173: Splash Leader Panel
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Splash Leaders

This is a casual seminar style course led by the Splash Leaders to answer all your questions relating to the college admissions process, college life, or just any general question about majors, classes, clubs, etc. Take a break from academic classes and spend some time with the eccentric and knowledgeable Splash Leaders gaining all the valuable information you would need to know to be ready for college!

C1189: College, Happiness, and Good Ole Chocolate Chip Cookies Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Maggie Pothier

Maggie's Declassified College Survival Guide: Happiness edition.


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L1175: Lunch Period
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Austen Hendler

Enjoy a break for lunch with your Splash Leader and friends! Please register for at least one lunch period.

Math & Computer Science

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M1222: Steve Jobs: Lessons from a Poet and Businessman Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jake Cohen

Steve Jobs was a rebel and romantic: he took a calligraphy class, dropped out of college, and traveled to India in search of spiritual enlightenment.

He was also a clever and cunning businessman: he could bend reality to his will, squeezing the best work out of his engineers in record time.

How did these two entirely different, often paradoxical, characteristics combine to make him such a powerful leader? Find out as we take apart and explore the man behind Apple, Steven Paul Jobs.

An interest in technology!

M1198: How To Excel
Difficulty: **

An intro to Microsoft Excel, the ultimate computational tool to help you succeed in college and beyond. This lesson will include a concise explanation of how to use most of its capabilities and explicit functions.

M1179: Intro to Computer Science Full!
Difficulty: **

If you don't know anything about computer science, that word itself may seem intimidating...but it's not! Starting from the basic idea of what "programming" is to coding simple programs, this course will introduce you the world of geeks, hackers, geniuses, and Mark Zuckerberg.

If you like solving puzzles, you will find this course to be a lot of fun. And even if you don't, join us anyway!

M1197: Introduction to Programming with Python Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Cameron Lunt

This is a crash course in programming with the Python programming language. If you've ever wanted to learn how to write your own Python scripts and explore the world of Computer Science this is the course for you! We will use the Python Imaging Library to guide our examples and make our own image filters, like converting pictures to greyscale!

Some understanding of programming or exposure to code, or an ambitious attitude!


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R1196: Introduction to Ethics: What would you do? Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Johnson

In this course, we will discuss some of the psychology and the issues surrounding utilitarianism. We will contrast this with psychological intuitions that we have.

R1120: Does God Exist?
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: John Marvin

Exactly as the title suggests: a seminar to discuss one of the most pressing questions of the human experience in depth.

Note: this class will be a _discussion_, not a debate, not an argument, and definitely not a lecture. Animosity, anger, and disrespect are not allowed and will result in removal from the discussion. This is a big question with much personal significance to all of us, whatever our perspectives, and by participating one agrees to recognize that we are all here to learn and to gain better understanding, not to "win" or to "be right."

An open mind, the ability to use reason, and preferably some knowledge, too.

R1129: Borderlines and Aliens
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: David Joyce

This course will give a brief overview of the modern dilemmas facing the American borders and immigration. The class will discuss downfalls, remedies, and reactions to the situation in order to become more informed on the controversial topic.

R1150: Genesis, Generosity & Genocide: a Brief History of Islam
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jasmine Ruscoe

We have grown up in a post 9-11 world. In the Political Science sphere, this is the greatest shift in thinking of our time - right up there with World War Two and the fall of the Berlin Wall. In our lives, though, it means a lot of fear, stereotypes, simplification and misinformation. Where did this militant Islamism come from, what does it want, and how does it relate to the Islam that coexists peacefully with us? These are and will remain important questions in our lives. Please bring an open mind and any questions you may have.

R1184: Poverty in the Midst of Plenty Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Steve Trudeau

Between heart wrenching commercials with Sara McLoughlin songs and Jon Stewart's daily show, we have the chance to see just a fraction of some of the issues in the world. Though it's never been a perfect place, the modern world is playing by a set of rules different from previously in history of international law, economics, and non-state warfare. Despite tremendous technological and societal advancements, much of the world still lives without access to basic education, sanitation and even clean water. In this class we'll take a quick look into the history of the modern world since the early 20th century and how it has led to modern issues of distribution, such as why we have some populations starving while others suffering from obesity and heart disease.

A smile

R1152: LBJ and The Vietnam War Protest Movement
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madeline Webster

"Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?" : This course will examine both the inner-workings of President Lyndon Johnson and the protest movement that brought him down.

We will talk about the man, the myth, the legend: President Lyndon Baines Johnson. We will examine his early life, his reign as Senate Majority Leader, his unfortunate time as Vice President, and the domestic policy during his first term as President. In the second half of the lecture, we will switch points of view and talk about the Vietnam War Protest Movement in an effort to show the impact of his foreign policy decisions on the country.

A general knowledge of the 1960s and the Vietnam War.

R1147: Speak Now: Activism through Performance Poetry
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Brittany Burke

Often times, art can express ideas and feelings we otherwise would have no way of tapping into or sharing with others. However, art in this form is most meaningful when it can motivate change, eliciting an emotional response from an audience who will hopefully be inspired to view human rights and social responsibility in a new and more personal light. It illuminates the questions: Who am I in relation to the greater world in which I live? How must I treat each person I interact with? How can my ideals about human compassion be made relevant to the society at large and the social structures that quiet the voices of so many? In this class, we will undertake a writing and performing workshop to answer such questions in the hopes of inspiring your audience to reflect on the same issues and act on the injustices you examine through your poetry.

R1193: How to Play a Language-Game (And Why Philosophy Doesn't Work)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Corey Steiner

What do we really mean when we say something? What is the relationship between language and things in the world? If we each have our own definitions of words, how can we ever really talk about anything?

According to Wittgenstein, philosophical questions such as these are akin to trying to let a fly out of a bottle. Come for a sampling of Wittgenstein's famous, weird, and surprisingly entertaining Philosophical Investigations, in which the man at times seems to be bashing his own project. We'll go through what Wittgenstein means by a language-game (you already know the rules, and it's not as fun as it sounds) and some of his great visual analogies.

R1163: If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ben Markley

If God is all-good and all-powerful, why is there evil and suffering? The Problem of Evil is one of the most controversial ideas in all of philosophy and theology. This class seeks to articulate the Problem of Evil and discuss attempts to answer the problem (known as theodicies) from a wide variety of thinkers including Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, G.W. Leibniz, Thomas Malthus, David Hume, C.S. Lewis, J.L. Mackie, John Hick, Robert M. Adams, Richard Swinburne, Eleonore Stump and Alvin Plantinga.

This class is meant to give students a survey of some highly interesting and controversial answers to a highly interesting and controversial problem, not convert anyone to any given religion or belief. People of any belief system are encouraged to enroll.

R1130: Know Your Rights! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Caroline McMahon

You've heard from tv, peers, parents, and many other sources, "You don't have a right to do that..." or "I have a right to do this..." Well isn't it about time you learned what it is specifically that you have a right to do?! Come learn about all the legal power that each and every one of us should know about!


R1166: Sociology of Gender & Sexuality Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kimm Topping

What issues of gender inequality do we face as a society? How is gender constructed in contemporary society and why? This course will challenge students to examine gender stereotypes and gendered issues of inequality by taking a closer look at social systems and institutions such as the family, education, and the media. A critical look at how gender inequality and sexuality intersect will be included.

Introductory Sociology course preferred, but not required.

R1161: Literature in Music
Difficulty: **

Have you ever noticed that music sometimes makes connections or references to some of your favorite books? In this course, we attempt to explain musicians' literary references and the purposes behind them, and take a closer look at some lyrics that have deeper meanings than you may think.

You must have listened to music at some point.

R1149: The Hunger Games as a Cultural Artifact Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Marissa Marandola

So you've read all of the Hunger Games books, watched the movie, and secretly know that you're Katniss Everdeen. Have you ever wondered why The Hunger Games is so popular with our generation? Why do we love this story of violence, murder, and political oppression? This class will explore the cultural context of The Hunger Games and why it seems to speak to American teens and young adults of today. We will discuss what the popularity of The Hunger Games says about American culture and politics and how people our age see the world.

Some familiarity with the basic plot of the Hunger Games would be helpful, but is not required.

R1216: What's Your Love Language? Full!
Difficulty: **

Do you show love through the giving of gifts or would you rather spend quality time with someone? Come find out what your love language is! Everyone has a different way of showing and receiving love. In Gary Chapman's book The Five Love Languages, the five different ways of showing love are discussed, which are quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. If you're curious what your personal love language is, register for this class! In this class you will explore the various love languages and find out which one fits you best all while decorating everyone’s most loved food, cookies!!!

R1122: "But Do the Lord Care?": Tupac Shakur and the Theological Problem of Evil
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Evan Goldstein

If a loving God exists, why is the world full of seemingly unjust suffering? How do oppressed people continue to affirm faith in God in the midst of the darkness of history? What right do privileged people have to talk about God in a broken world? These questions have preoccupied theologians and philosophers for centuries under the name "theodicy", or the problem of evil; this course takes up that question through the life and work of Tupac Amaru Shakur. We will consider Tupac's personal religiosity (or lack thereof), and its significance to his music, as well as the relationship between his subversive prayers to "Black Jesuz" and his revolutionary politics. In so doing, we will encounter questions of race and racism, American history, and theology in general. No prior exposure to either theology or Tupac is necessary; only an interest in asking challenging questions and hearing challenging music.

R1143: The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn: On Friendship, Relationships, and the Connections that make us Human
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alis Dicpinigaitis

Have you ever wondered why you "like" someone when you meet them? Why you are drawn to a friend or partner physically or emotionally?

How we relate to other people is the single most important thing that gives our life meaning. Let's find out why.

R1145: Nah, I'm Good Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Katherine Pier

Is goodness simply avoiding evil, or is it something more? Come join us in a discussion on what it means to be "good." From Kant to Kanye, we'll be looking at what modern and classic thinkers have to say. It'll be a real "good" time!

R1154: How to be a Greek Philosopher in 50 minutes
Difficulty: **
Teachers: James Powlesland

Many say that philosophy began in ancient Greece. Socrates, Aristotle; many of you have heard these names a lot(and if you haven't you will, trust me). So what were those guys thinking? And most importantly what are YOU thinking?

An open mind. A very, very open mind.

R1158: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: The Rise and Fall of Leon Trotsky Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Allison Shely

How does someone born in Ukraine wind up buried in Mexico? By leading a revolution, of course!
Meet Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary, the man who could bend thousands to his will with spellbinding oratory but was too shy to talk to strangers at parties.

R1165: Intro to Sociology Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kimm Topping

Sociologists are interdisciplinary scientists who ask questions about how social issues emerge within society. This course will provide an introduction to the issues facing people due to race, gender, class, and other social identities. Students will leave this class with a foundational introduction to sociological concepts and theory, in addition to a deeper understanding of what sociologists can do to alleviate such issues.

R1209: What is Romantic Love and How Can We Know If We're In It? Full!
Difficulty: **

The humanities can help! From Sappho to Plato to John Donne, to, of course, Shakespeare, philosophy, poetry, and literature have deeply considered the significance of romantic love in human life. Using these figures (although, of course, there are, many more), we'll talk about what we--YOU--think love is, can be, and is not, and how we know when our affections are "the real thing." You can even ask, "Is there such a thing as 'being in love?'" This is an engaging and interactive discussion with a multimedia component.

2 years of high school English.

R1221: Freaky Poetry
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alexander Prete

We will be exploring some provocative poetry from artists such as Edgar Allan Poe, Sylvia Platt, etc.


R1227: A Date with History
Difficulty: **

A Date with History will take a random day in history and explore what happened on said day or days. The days chosen will be decided by the time of class. The class will provide an overview of each day and explore what happened in many different cultures and time periods.

R1228: Rights! The Magna Carta and American Constitutionalism
Difficulty: **

From abortion to ISIS, America's policies even in present day are firmly rooted in the American Constitution. It is a hallmark of rights, liberties, and balanced government institutions. But the document did not appear out of thin air, and framers didn't come up with everything on their own. This class will investigate the connections between English common law and the Magna Carta to the Constitution, and how these rights and liberties are still in play today.

Familiarity with American Constitution


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S1168: The Real Shark in the Water Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Hannah O'Day

Over half of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface. In fact, oceans themselves contain 99% of the living space on the planet and we have explored less than 10% of that space! Yet, we are destroying these beautiful spaces by overfishing, using the ocean as our own garbage dump, and polluting it with toxic chemicals. While the majority of us fear shark attacks, not many people know just how bad we are for them. Sharks bite roughly 70 people each year worldwide, with perhaps 6-10 fatalities, according to data compiled in the International Shark Attack File (ISAF). On the flip side, we kill somewhere between 20-100 million sharks every year through fishing activities!
Do you like fish or sea life – turtles, manta rays, sharks, whales? Do you want to find out more about the health of our ocean? More importantly, do you want to learn what to do about it? Come learn about the issues so you can be part of the change!

S1155: Neurological Disorders Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jinseok Hong

Learn about what can go wrong in the nervous system and how these errors manifest in millions of people. This class will focus on various neurological disorders including depression, multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia.

S1217: Star Stuff: How to Walk and Talk Like a True Astronomer
Difficulty: *

Have you ever caught yourself becoming totally fixated on the night sky above you, and then running into people and things because you simply can't take your eyes off the stars? Then this is the perfect class for you! Come on down to learn the basics of stargazing. You'll walk away a true astronomer, reciting the names of the most recognizable constellations and knowing how to pick out the planets in the night sky. You'll dazzle your friends with your newly-learned astro lingo!
All experience levels welcome--the more the merrier!

S1131: Health and Nutrition Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Reginald Parris

Students will learn important health and nutrition information

S1156: Amazing Organisms
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lucas Ortiz

In this course, we will explore the amazing diversity of the animal kingdom. By looking at several unique and outlandish organisms, students will be able to understand how and why organisms do what they do.


S1181: Interactive Science: Make Your Own Rock Candy Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jung Lee, Jennifer Youn

Learn how to make your own rock candy!

S1183: Space: Why it's a lot cooler than you think
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Peter Stein

We will cover the very basics of astronomy and astrophysics. Topics will include the life cycle of stars, how and where elements are made, the basics of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and many more interesting facts about the vast expanse we call outer space. Prepare to have your mind blown.

None, although previous experience in chemistry and physics may prove helpful.

S1215: Wilderness Medicine: Pre-Med Perspectives Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Andrew Hawkins

Students will be introduced to the assessment and treatment of patients in an emergency or wilderness medical crisis. This course will also cover topics about what its like being pre-med at BC and address any questions on starting the path to a medical career.

Work in a team to treat a simulated patient!

S1192: Pediatric Focused First Aid and CPR Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alex Lucas

In this course designed by the American Heart Association (AHA), students will learn basic First Aid and CPR with a focus on pediatric patients (Students will learn adult CPR and First Aid too). Because this class is focused on pediatric patients, it is great for anyone with young siblings, camp counselors, child care workers, those interested in babysitting, and more. The course itself is free, but if students wish to obtain the actual certification card from the AHA, they need only submit a $20 payment. The certification is good for two years. The class will be taught by Boston College Eagle EMS EMTs.

Just an interest in First Aid and CPR!

S1137: Understanding Quantum Mechanics
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Linden Hayes

Curious about Quantum Mechanics? This class will cover concepts such as the uncertainty principle, tunneling, the particle-wave duality, and the Schrodinger's Cat Paradox. Everything will be discussed at the conceptual level without getting into the math behind it all.

Only prerequisite is curiosity, no math or science knowledge is required for this class.

S1153: ebola Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amanda Kusztos

ebola is a virus currently devastating western africa - but how much do you really know about this lethal organism? come learn about how ebola was discovered, a major ebola scare in the US, and how the virus works- and test out your skills as an epidemiologist!

S1177: Life On The Line: What Would You Do? (and other Bioethics Topics) Full!
Difficulty: **

A discussion-based course on bioethics topics, both past and current.

S1180: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Peter Czajka

Who doesn't love science and free food? This course will provide a brief overview of some of the physics behind the flash-freezing of "soft-matter" systems, but will mainly focus on one of its tastiest applications: ice cream. Students will observe and assist in the process of preparing ice cream using liquid nitrogen as a rapid coolant and afterwords, will be able to enjoy their creation with an assortment of toppings.

S1199: Introductory Neuroscience! Full!
Difficulty: **

The human brain is a seamless marvel and is a wonder to study! This class begins by looking at the brain’s basic building block: the neuron. Then we move outwards and discover how neurons, and their billions of connections, form structures within the brain. This is an excellent class for anybody curious about the universe’s most complex—and fascinating—structure.

S1212: Interested in Undergraduate Research Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Lambert

I will cover:
Why research is important
What kind of research opportunities are out there
How to get involved in undergraduate research
When to get invovled with undergraduate research
My reseearch experience
Doors undergraduate research opens
Please contain your excitement.


S1159: Exciting Chemistry
Difficulty: **

The best way to learn chemistry is to SEE it happening! This class is an explosion of excitement as we will perform chemical reactions right in front of you! Join us for this interactive learning experience!

S1185: Who run the world? Orcas.
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Maggie Bennett

We will discover the beauty of orca whales (killer whales) and discuss their habitat, behavior, and intelligence. Perfect for anyone who loves the ocean or marine mammals!

S1205: Why are we hungry?
Difficulty: **

A psychological and biological exploration behind hunger. What makes us want to eat? What makes us stop eating? How does hunger get out of control.
We will dive into...
1. The neurological and psychological processes of hunger
2. The nutrition we need
3. What happens when hunger gets out of control: eating disorders, obesity, and starvation.

Walk-in Seminar

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W1220: Robin 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: David Fu, Matthew Nolan

Are you a major fan *salutes* Maaajor Fan! of How I Met Your Mother? Do you miss spending your Mondays waiting for the adventures of Ted and Barney? Did you shed tears/ a single manly tear, at the finale? Then join us in this Legen, wait for it, dary, class as we discuss our favorite moments, episodes, and the controversial ending.

-Knowledge of Season 1- Season 9 of How I Met Your Mother.

W1230: Confidence and Power: How to Claim It Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kelly Hoffman

It only takes 2 minutes and a few simple tricks to feel more confident. Learn how to feel like you can control a stressful situation and have a commanding presence wherever you go.


W1191: Public Speaking 101 Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jay Nam

Learn the fundamentals of public speaking and presenting at this workshop. Practice your impromptu speech skills and develop your charisma as a leader.


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X1174: BC Splash Leader Meet and Greet
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Splash Leaders

Come join our fantastic and knowledgeable Splash Leaders who will lead fun activities, and much more! These Boston College students (Splash Leaders) will even bring you to your first class. Participating in fun small group activities will help you meet other Splash and Boston College students. You will also get a chance to meet back up with your small group for lunch! When you arrive at Splash, you will find out who your Splash Leader will be. This will be the only option offered at 9 AM.

X1224: Winter Fun in Beantown
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Meridith Carlson

Staying home for winter break? We will explore what there is to do in Boston in the snowy months.

X1141: Glory Days: Springsteen Edition

Learn everything you will ever want to know on the man, the myth, the Legend, Bruce Springsteen!

None! A little bit of music culture wouldn't hurt.

X1207: Message from the TARDIS: The Science Behind Doctor Who Full!
Difficulty: **

We will explore the scientific facts behind the hit TV show Doctor Who and discuss the possibility of these facts becoming realities in the near future. After all, good science fiction comes from scientific fact. Allons-y!

For both fans and anyone interested in Doctor Who.

X1187: Redheads 101 Full!
Difficulty: *

This course will explore influential gingers in society, red-headedness in pop culture and the several reasons why gingers are currently a fiery topic in the worlds of science and medicine—like ginger extinction and redheads’ uncanny ability to sunburn in mid-January. All hair colors are welcome—sign up for some redheaded solidarity, or if you just think red is a cool color. Ginger Snaps and other redhead themed refreshments will be served!


X1225: STOP! You're Under [Citizen's] Arrest! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alicia McCormick

Have you ever had the urge to bring a wrong-doer to justice? In this class we will teach you all about your civic duty and how to make a citizen's arrest. We will then put our knowledge into action by using a citizen's arrest to apprehend specific criminals at BC Splash. There are prizes involved and you will be a more informed citizen who is ready to fight for justice.

X1140: How to Save a Life: Intro to CPR Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Atton

This course will provide a non-certification based introduction to CPR. Students will learn in a very hands-on environment how to save a life!

X1124: Just About Everything Full!
Difficulty: **

Did you know that airplane tickets are the cheapest to buy on Tuesdays? Did you know that only 20% of Muslims are of Arabic descent and that Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims? Do you know the real meaning of Robert Frost's classic poem "The Road Not Taken?" This class will talk just about everything that may or may not be useful throughout life. But hey, knowledge is power!

X1125: Global Health 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nirali Patel

What determines a person's health and well-being? Even further, how does health fit into the context of our ever-changing global community? From the role of the government and the determinants of health to nutrition and infectious disease, we'll explore the factors that constitute a person's health. This course will cover currents topics in global health as well as what is being done to combat health disparities in the world today.

X1170: Morality with Spongebob Squarepants Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matthew McDonough

This course will use a variety of clips from several Spongebob episodes and relate these to morality, philosophy and theology.

X1226: Can You Teach Me to Football?
Difficulty: **

What is a sack? Why do teams punt? In today's America, football has come to dominate the national landscape. In this course, we will run through some of football's most basic rules. After this, we will run through some basic play designs and put our new-found knowledge into action.

X1176: The Olive Theory: HIMYM Relationships in Real Life
Difficulty: *

Ever wanted to explore the world of How I Met Your Mother and how the relationships apply to real life? Well, then this is the perfect class for you. Suit up! Together, we will connect the main cast to different mindsets of dating culture. It's going to be Legen...wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose and tolerant because the second half of that word is dary! Legendary!

Preferably have watched How I Met Your Mother (will try not to spoil ending).

X1200: Putting the Phone Away: Learning How to Talk to Just About Anyone Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Thomas Hanley

The 21st century has recently been dominated by texting, tweeting, and yik yaking. Nowadays, How do you start a conversation with a total stranger at orientation? How do you talk to a potential employer? Learn how to navigate the social scene and learn how to talk to just about anyone.

X1123: How to be a Social Butterfly Full!
Difficulty: *

Ever wanted to find out what it really takes to be "that guy" or "that girl" who just seems like they're friends with everyone? Opening yourself up to the world is actually a very simple process! The main goal of this class will be the idea that it is all about how you present yourself to the world. This fun, interactive class will demonstrate the different ways to do this in ways applicable to the world around you!

X1195: Welcome to The O.C.
Difficulty: *

This course studies The O.C., a 2000s teen drama illustrating the lives of four diverse high school students in Southern California. It examines the struggles and problems of Ryan Atwood, Seth Cohen, Marissa Cooper, and Summer Roberts, and analyzes how they reflect issues in our own lives. No material from the fourth season will be covered--it didn't happen.

No prior knowledge of the show is required. Just come and learn about a teen drama phenomenon.

X1219: Massage Therapy 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Mabel Lee, Angela Song

Ever wondered how to give a great massage? Want a free massage? Why buy a storebought face mask when you can make you own? In this class, we will learn some basic massaging techniques and create our own homemade DIY face mask.

X1162: Jillian Michaels Inspired Workout Class Full!
Difficulty: *

Are you interested in learning about fitness? Join us for this Jillian Michaels inspired workout where you will learn all the basics to creating a well rounded workout. Students with all levels are fitness are encouraged to join!

X1229: Midwest is the Best
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Victoria Crawford

Ready to learn all about the wonderful part of the USA that is the Midwest? You should be because it is the best! Learn all about slang, restaurants, food (which you will be able to try), and culture from the heart of the country.

X1186: Juggling 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: John Hanron

Have you ever wanted to impress your friends with your juggling skills, but you don't really have any? Well, let's change that. In this class, we will learn how to do a simple three ball juggling toss. Learn the basic form so that you can practice and become a master of the art!


X1164: Wake up and Smell the Coffee Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Liz Choi

Learn about the various ways you can brew and enjoy some really, really good coffee. This is not meant to be a crash course in how to become a Starbucks barista. The class will be focused on how to make some pretty decent and delicious coffee at home--a cup of joe for the average joe.

X1138: Wilderness Survival 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erik Eppig

This class is a beginners course to the basic essentials of outdoor living. Topics included in instruction are camp fire building, tent set-up, wilderness first aid, emergency preparedness, among other key skills. The course will include powerpoint presentations followed by hands-on student interactions with the newly learned material. The course will take place both indoors and outdoors. Closed toed shoes are recommended.

X1218: The Art of Sounding Smart Full!
Difficulty: *

We will demonstrate how to speak and write in such a manner so that others are inclined to agree with whatever you say.

A fair command of the English language.

X1208: Martial Arts 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zach DiCostanzo

Come learn how to kick and punch, among other things, with a brief introduction to the techniques of Karate, Muay Thai, and Tae Kwon Do! Taught by the instructors of BC's Student Martial Arts Club, this class will go over the basics of all three styles. Be prepared to sweat a little!

X1133: Sailor Moon, Princess Jellyfish, The Little Mermaid and the LGBTQ Community Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Julian Bastidas

You will learn how animes and fairy tales play a role in the LGBTQ Community. We will be learning a lot of random facts and we will have a GREAT TIME!! Just remember to be yourself and share your passions with us! :)

X1144: The Prisoner's Dilemma
Difficulty: **
Teachers: John Donovan

In this course, we will touch upon basic Microeconomic principles, focusing primarily on the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Oligopoly market structure.


X1146: Beyond the Wall: A Deeper Look into Game of Thrones
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Victoria Cady

This course will explore all things Game of Thrones, ranging from popular fan theory, the HBO series versus A Song of Ice and Fire book series, the compelling draw Game of Thrones has over its viewers, and its connections to contemporary cultural ideas. The course is intended to be discussion based.

X1160: No Weights, No Problem!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jonathan Boudreau

Gym memberships can be expensive. Even if you have one, sometimes they are just too far away which can make working out a challenge. If you want to work out but can't make it to the gym, there are plenty of workouts that can be done right in your dorm! Come for the workout, come for the music, or just come to watch me jump around a lecture hall for almost an hour!

Will be moving around exercising so work out clothes recommended

X1171: How to Get an A Outside the Classroom Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Pierre Leconte

We will explore through informal conversation the skills and actions that get you what you want when you want in life.

You kinda just have to be there. I also have to be there, but I'll take care of that.

X1182: The Tonight Show and Social Media Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ryan Short

A history of the NBC's landmark program "The Tonight Show," and how its latest incarnation with Jimmy Fallon has revolutionized the way a television show can interact with its fans via strategic use of social media

X1188: Fall Sweets and Treats
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mary Ladesic

Join us in making festive and delicious treats, right before your family Thanksgiving gatherings! You'll have a wonderfully-sweet time as you roll up our sleeves and show off your pastry skills. We will provide the cookies, cupcakes and inspiration for you to create your culinary masterpieces. We will be decorating Autumn Leaf Sugar Cookies, Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes and Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes, as we teach you the best tips and tricks to add to your recipe box.

X1190: Harry Potter Goes to BC
Difficulty: *
Teachers: John Walsh

What would Harry teach us if he came here to Boston College instead of Hogwarts? What would BC help him to understand about himself? This class will explore Harry Potter from the perspective of a Boston College Student and the Jesuit ideals of education, which will delve into the moral and spiritual development of Harry through the lens of the Jesuit ideals:attentiveness, reflection, and love. The class will be conversation- based, with a brief PowerPoint and a few video clips to help create themes that prompt dialogue. I hope this class will be full of great conversation, childhood nostalgia, a few good laughs, and most importantly, to give you an appreciation for both Harry Potter and Boston College.

The only prerequisite is having read all seven books or to seen all the movies to avoid spoiler alerts!!

X1204: Technology Integration Into Your Education
Difficulty: *

This course will be an open discussion and demonstration of the latest computing/mobile technology and how it can be integrated into your education. If you want to learn how to leverage the latest technology devices/applications to do better in school, take this class. We will cover iOS applications, Android Applications and even demonstrate how the latest tech devices (iPads, Macbooks, Chromebooks) can help you in various subject areas. Those interested in the latest technology, interested in new study habits, or just want to learn, sign up now!

X1210: Spongebob Squarepants: The Evolution Full!
Difficulty: *

This course gives the students some fun by watching our personal favorite cartoon of all time. From the first episodes to the most recent premieres adjusted to the young adolescent population. Why has it thrived so well?

X1223: Do all roads lead to Rome?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Meridith Carlson

Dreaming of travel to the eternal city? Learn the practicalities and excitement of living with the Romans. Explore the must see sites and travel down the roads not taken.