Splash Biography
ROSS TETZLOFF, BC junior in English, Fiction Writing, and French
Major: English College/Employer: BC Year of Graduation: 2017 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)R1491: Discovering Art and Sounding Smart: English Studies at BC in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 03, 2016)
Why study English?
a) I like it
b) I can't stop re-reading Bleak House
c) I want to grow as a person
d) I write better than the eponymous heroine in your average kunstlerroman
e) It's a trap! I thought we wouldn't do multiple choice!
Bottom line: if you have any interest in college-level English, this class is for you! We'll talk about the opportunities, challenges and joys found in studying English at BC (and in general). The class is discussion-based, so please come with questions! Content will be flexible based on everyone's interests; topics may include curriculum and coursework, career ideas, writing/homework tips, classroom culture, and other English-y things at our collective discretion. (And I didn't even mention books!!)
R1417: Discovering Art or Sounding Smart? English Studies at BC in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 15, 2015)
Why study English?
a) I like it
b) I can't stop re-reading Bleak House
c) I want to grow as a person
d) I write better than the eponymous heroine in your average kunstlerroman
e) It's a trap! I thought we wouldn't do multiple choice!
Whatever your answer, this class will expose students to the opportunities, challenges and joys found in studying English at BC. The class will be discussion-based, so please come prepared to participate. Content will be flexible based on students' interests; discussion topics may include group analysis of short literary text(s), curriculum and coursework, classroom culture, writing tips, and other English-y things at the instructor's (and students'!!) discretion. Please come with questions!
X1218: The Art of Sounding Smart in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 16, 2014)
We will demonstrate how to speak and write in such a manner so that others are inclined to agree with whatever you say.
R1057: The Beauty of Bromances in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
The Beauty of Bromances will explore the profound relationship nexus between those of one gender. That is to say the class title is a misnomer as it will also apply to female friends as well. We will explore these friendships through philosophical, literary, and contemporary perspectives.
A1092: The Art of Sounding Smart in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
Herein we propose a foray into vistas of epistemological theory hitherto unbeknownst to sojourners within the precincts of secondary education; such exploration will elucidate the foundation of erudite inquiry insofar as said inquiry manifests dependance on language. (There will be sarcasm).