Splash Biography
EMILY EGNOR, BC Senior Majoring in Psych BS
Major: Psychology BS College/Employer: BC Year of Graduation: 2016 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I love neuroscience and talking about brains! I am an EMT and hope to go to med school Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S1449: Introduction to Neuroscience! in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 03, 2016)
The human brain is a seamless marvel and a wonder to study. This class begins by looking at the brain’s basic building block: the neuron. Then we move outwards and discover how neurons, and their billions of connections, form structures within the brain that drive our behaviors. This is an excellent class for anybody curious about the universe’s most complex—and fascinating—structure.
S1235: Introduction to Neuroscience! in Splash Spring 2015 (Mar. 29, 2015)
The human brain is a seamless marvel and a wonder to study. This class begins by looking at the brain’s basic building block: the neuron. Then we move outwards and discover how neurons, and their billions of connections, form structures within the brain that drive our behaviors. This is an excellent class for anybody curious about the universe’s most complex—and fascinating—structure.
S1199: Introductory Neuroscience! in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 16, 2014)
The human brain is a seamless marvel and is a wonder to study! This class begins by looking at the brain’s basic building block: the neuron. Then we move outwards and discover how neurons, and their billions of connections, form structures within the brain. This is an excellent class for anybody curious about the universe’s most complex—and fascinating—structure.
S1110: The Human Brain (and the Consequences When Things Go Wrong!) in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
The human brain is a seamless marvel and is a wonder to study! This class begins by looking at the brain’s basic building block: the neuron. Then we move outwards and discover how neurons, and their billions of connections, form structures within the brain.
But these structures can wreak havoc if they’re abnormal, so what happens when the brain doesn't behave like it's supposed to? Learn about fascinating disorders pertaining to the five basic human senses, as well psychological disorders. An excellent, easy and straight-forward class for anybody curious about the universe’s most complex—and fascinating—structure.
Topics Covered:
-Brain Structures and Functions (ex. the four lobes)
-Disorders (including their causes and possible treatments; will show demonstrative videos!)