Splash Spring 2015
Course Catalog

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Arts College Prep.
Lunch Math & Computer Science
Humanities Science


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A1327: ~~Knitting for Beginners~~ Full!
Difficulty: **

A1314: British Invasion! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emily Pelles

A1294: Painting Masterpieces Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicole Nowak

A1247: Introduction to Bollywood Dance
Difficulty: *

This class will give you an insight into a whole new world of dance and culture. From traditional dance moves to more modern infused ones, come experience Bollywood in a fun, cheesy and exciting way. Be prepared to be try new things and be a dancing maniac!
Clips from popular Bollywood music videos will also be shown for inspiration and encouragement.

-Love for dancing -Love for fun -Love for cheesiness

A1325: Katy Perry and Feminism Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michelle Tomassi

A1264: Introduction to Improv Comedy Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matt Hession

A1326: The Evolution of Funk: Groove in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Difficulty: *

What is funk? The word brings to mind platform shoes, chest hair, and bell bottoms, and disco. But, as the professors of this course argue, funk is not just a genre, it's a sound and a feeling. The course argues too that the word "groovy," often considered the embarrassing lingo of out-of-style dads, is in fact still a very apt description for a sound that continues to influence modern music. From James Brown, to the White Stripes, to Bruno Mars, this discussion and listening based course will attempt to teach its students the roots, evolution, and continuing influence of funky sound.

A1232: Acoustic Guitar Techniques
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Anthony Hernandez

There are many ways to play the guitar besides picking and strumming. This course will go over the basics of finger-picking, harmonics (several types), percussion, and more! Time permitting, we will learn the introduction of a surprise song!

A basic background of guitar playing is fine. It is not recommended that students completely new to guitar enroll in this class. Students are asked to bring their guitars to class, obviously, as we will be playing.

A1308: Stomp the Yard: Stepping 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anyenda Inyagwa

A1318: Fragrance as an Artform
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Suneer Sood

Explore the creative nature of perfume and cologne. Expect to learn proper application and gain exposure to masterfully composed scents through this crash course!

College Prep.

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C1251: The Art of College Admissions: What High School Students Need to Know About the College Application Process
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Roy Y. Chan

Since Fall 2012, this award-winning class has provided students with the knowledge and skills they will need to make the college application process as painless as possible. Specifically, this course will examine all aspects of the college application process from selecting the right college/university to submitting a winning college application, and hopefully will have you feel ready to hit the “submit” button before the November 30, 2015 deadline for Fall 2016 admission. Some topics/themes we will cover are: a) Understanding Admission Factors, b) Early Admission Procedure, c) Developing a Financial Plan, d) Writing Personal Statement, e) Calculating GPA & SAT, f) Asking for Letter of Recommendations, as well as g) Taking Campus Tours.

At the completion of the class, ALL students will receive a complimentary "2015 Guide to New England Colleges and Universities" from the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). This course is taught by Roy Y. Chan, Ph.D. candidate at Boston College and visiting fellow at Harvard University. For questions about course, please contact: roy_chan@mail.harvard.edu

C1263: Splash Leader Panel
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Splash Leaders

This is a casual seminar style course led by the Splash Leaders to answer all your questions relating to the college admissions process, college life, or just any general question about majors, classes, clubs, etc. Take a break from academic classes and spend some time with the eccentric and knowledgeable Splash Leaders gaining all the valuable information you would need to know to be ready for college!

C1271: Thinking Logically Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jay Chin

C1330: How To Pick Classes and Study Skills for College
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Christine Song

Did you know that colleges provide class syllabi before the semester starts? This course is all about the academic transition between high school and colleges. How to schedule classes, what to do and not to do when picking professors, and study tips for college success. Also a place to ask any questions about the academic side of college. For example, what are majors, what's after college, what is an office hour etc.

C1233: College? What's that? Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kevin Longo

C1240: On Being the Best, Freedom and Relationships. Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sean O'Rourke

C1300: College Survival Guide
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Gabriela Flores

Stressed about the college transition? Don't worry. Come to a class where many of your questions will be answered via first hand experience! Dorming, roommates, classes, clubs, social life, and more! Anything you can think of, we'll discuss!


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L1261: Lunch Period
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Austen Hendler

Enjoy a break for lunch with your Splash Leader and friends! Please register for at least one lunch period.

Math & Computer Science

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M1291: Fun with Infinite Series
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: John Marvin

Diving deep into infinite series and some of the profound insights they reveal. Some things we'll cover:
- Series in abstract; convergent and divergent series
- Zeno's paradox and convergent series
- Taylor/MacLaurin series
- Euler's identity
- Grandi's series and Cesàro sums
- Reimann Zeta Function and -1/12
- Some fun with prime numbers and their series

Knowledge of algebra will give a base or vague understanding of the material, but much of it will reference and be enriched by knowledge of calculus. Parts of the course will be unintelligible without calculus.

M1333: Cyborg Finance: Part Machine, Part Human
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jake Cohen

Learn about the increasing role artificial intelligence and advanced computation are playing in the financial industry!

M1297: Math is Everywhere
Difficulty: **
Teachers: mike flynn

"When am I ever going to use this in real life?" I remember hearing this over and over in Math class and even thinking it from time to time. In college, I finally started to find the answers I was looking for. This course will examine how math is used in a variety of different professions such as lawyer, doctor, stockbroker, economists, electrician, engineer, and architect. This course will examine the types of math used in each profession as well as the basics of how to apply that math.


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R1277: Neither Red nor Blue: The Prevalence of Independent Voters in Massachusetts
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Olivia McCaffrey

How does a state with the highest proportion of independent voters in the nation elect a predominantly democratic legislature? Using registration and election data, as well as first-hand accounts from Massachusetts legislators, this class uncovers how the independent voter “fits” into America’s dominant two- party system. In the process, this class will confront questions on the merit of the two-party system and the identity of the American voter.

Basic knowledge of American government

R1280: Reflection of Society: Music Videos Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Fabiola De Armas

R1309: Culture in Music: Connecting What You Hear to the World Around You
Difficulty: *

Have you ever heard a song on the radio and wondered it its lyrics meant something more? The purpose of this course is to seek out those popular songs that allude to important events, people, and have deeper meanings. In this course we will analyze artists of all genres ranging from classic rock to modern day hits.

R1274: Speak Now: Activism through Performance Poetry
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Brittany Burke

Often times, art can express ideas and feelings we otherwise would have no way of tapping into or sharing with others. However, art in this form is most meaningful when it can motivate change, eliciting an emotional response from an audience who will hopefully be inspired to view human rights and social responsibility in a new and more personal light. It illuminates the questions: Who am I in relation to the greater world in which I live? How must I treat each person I interact with? How can my ideals about human compassion be made relevant to the society at large and the social structures that quiet the voices of so many? In this class, we will undertake a writing and performing workshop to answer such questions in the hopes of inspiring your audience to reflect on the same issues and act on the injustices you examine through your poetry.

R1307: The Psychology of The Fairly Oddparents Full!
Difficulty: **

R1241: Public Health/Human Rights Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jenna Hernandez

R1317: A Case for Human Freedom
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: John Knowles

For ages, people have debated whether they, or factors beyond their control, determine their choices.

So, have you ever wondered if you’re free? Are you doubtful that you’re free but open to listening to a case for why you are? Do you think it’s likely that you’re free but wonder how, in the apostle Peter’s words, you might “give a reason for your hope” (1 Peter 3:15)?

If your answer to any of the above questions was “yes,” I invite you to come to “A Case for Human Freedom.” Tentatively, I’ll be exploring cases for freedom from the human sense of responsibility and from the existence of a universally-appreciable morality (which implies responsibility). Time permitting, I’ll also posit some possible psychological motivations for denying human freedom.

Notes on instructor: I'm an English major and potential future classroom teacher. I am also interested in philosophy and theology.

1) Your having at least briefly read an excerpt of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity 1.1 (read at http://1drv.ms/1D6KKqD), in which the author defends the existence of a universally-appreciable morality. 2) Your genuine interest in the subject material, which you have if you thought, "I think that sounds interesting" after reading the course description.

R1239: I love you, I'm just not like IN love with you
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Katherine Pier

If you love watching The Notebook alone at 3 am whilst stuffing your face with a ridiculous amount of ice cream, this is the course for you! Come join us in a discussion on authentic love. Looking at love from all perspectives and at all different ages. Fellas, don't feel excluded! Don't worry, we won't just be gushing over Ryan Gosling, we'll be engaging in thoughtful conversation about the truth of love for high schoolers, college kids, and beyond.

R1252: We Didn't Start the Fire...Or Did We? A Look into the Global Consequences of U.S. Action During the Cold War
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erik Eppig

This course will provide a context to understanding the historical fallout of the Cold War in a global context. We will briefly discuss the Cold War from America's perspective, then delve into the immediate effects of the spread of Soviet influence throughout Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Finally, we will discuss how the United States' response to Soviet influence in these areas helped spark many of the international conflicts we see today. The development of Islamic extremist groups (ISIS, Boko Haram, and Al Qaeda) provide us with modern day parallels to the fear of Communism generated during the Cold War.

Some understanding of the Cold War

R1259: What's Your Love Language? Full!
Difficulty: **

R1305: "Keeping Our Balance": Thinking American Judaism with Fiddler on the Roof
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Evan Goldstein

The 1960s were a time of great change for American Jews. With rising assimilation, the need to grapple with the Holocaust, and a shifting political landscape, it was far from clear how to articulate a distinctly Jewish identity. This course will examine a film ("Fiddler on the Roof," 1971) that is both emblematic of how many American Jews did navigate those concerns and a major influence on American Jewish identity to this day. In particular, we'll focus on the dialectic of tradition and change at the heart of the film, examining it in the context of the 1960s and asking what kind of Jewish identity it asks us to assume. The basic question of this course is one posed implicitly in the film's opening scene: How do we keep our balance between Americanization and Jewishness in a world where tradition is no longer authoritative?

Basic familiarity with the plot of Fiddler is strongly recommended, though not required.

R1315: Get Real About Israel
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Katie Frake

Confused about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and why it's still going on? Hear from students who've studied the conflict and spent their winter breaks in Israel and the West Bank.

R1296: Wheelchair Dance and Inclusion on Campus
Difficulty: **
Teachers: maryan amaral

Come learn how to dance using a wheelchair! This is a fun and fully inclusive activity for students with and without disabilities. We'll also discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other civil rights laws that affect students with disabilities on campuses across the country.

R1319: Origins of High Fantasy: Tolkien and his Contemporaries Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Robert Leahy

R1244: A Brief History of the United States Marine Corps
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Anthony Hernandez

"Back in 1775, my Marine Corps came alive!"

If you have heard the term Marine, you have probably also heard of the reputation that comes along with the title. Where did this reputation come from? What makes the United States Marine Corps different from the other service branches? Where did their emblem come from? Why are they "the Few and the Proud"?

All of these questions and more will be answered! Come learn about the nation's premier fighting force and how it came to be!

R1236: Beyond the Wall: A Deeper Look into Game of Thrones
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Victoria Cady

This course will explore all things Game of Thrones, ranging from popular fan theory, the HBO series versus A Song of Ice and Fire book series, the compelling draw Game of Thrones has over its viewers, and its connections to contemporary cultural ideas. The course is intended to be discussion based.

R1237: how did they do that? An Analysis of Art's Greatest Works!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Harrison Kenner

Seminar style discussion on monumental works of Art.


R1238: Gender and Media: Sexualization of Young Women Full!
Difficulty: **

R1253: How to Read Comics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madeline Yost

In this class, we will examine why comics have been historically under appreciated, where they get their appeal, and how to read them critically. Don't hesitate to sign up because you have not read many comics! This course does not require knowledge of comics, only interest in them.

R1256: Afghanistan, the Beauty Behind the War
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Farukh Kohistani

Dust, war, hatred, dust, underdeveloped, and did I mention dust? These are only a few of the things that come to mind when Afghanistan enters the conversation. Take this course to learn about the struggle, the culture, the dance, the music, the dress, the people and more about Afghanistan. Open your eyes and see the beauty behind the war.


R1268: Privilege, Oppression, and Intersectionality Workshop
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kimm Topping

How do each of our identities (race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.) intersect to afford us certain privileges and disadvantages in U.S. society? This class will offer a discussion and activity-based approach to understanding issues of inequality and oppression in contemporary U.S. society. Students will be asked to think critically about their own experiences of privilege or oppression, and will then apply these observations to larger social problems.

R1269: And it all came tumbling down...A look into the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Conor McCadden

Years, months, weeks...The Eastern European Soviet Bloc countries fell in rapid succession. This course will dive into the background of this area and the reason behind the collapse of Communism. This will be mostly a discussion based class. After hearing the historical background and the circumstances leading up to the real historical events students will be divided into "teams," or should I say countries, where the final days of the Eastern Bloc will be replayed. Will history repeat itself?

R1272: The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn: On Friendship, Relationships, and the Connections that make us Human
Difficulty: *

Have you ever wondered why you "like" someone when you meet them? Why you are drawn to a friend or partner physically or emotionally?

How we relate to other people is the single most important thing that gives our life meaning. Let's find out why.

***If you're a junior or senior, I highly suggest taking this course as a way to learn about college social dynamics and how to make the most out of the college social scene***

R1278: Ethics and Religion Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daniel Perea-Kane

R1281: Reflection of Society: Music Videos
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Fabiola De Armas

R1285: Greek Mythology
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jeanette Jimenez

Greek Mythology has had a big impact on Western society: the entertainment industry, city names, and our vocabulary just to name a few! This class is mostly lecture and discussion orientated and we’ll be going over a few of the myths (both famous and obscure) and the major themes in Greek Mythology.

R1289: The Golden Age of Islam
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Cemal Ozgur

This course will scratch the surface of the golden age of Islam. Students will learn about technological advancements, important leaders, famous scientists, alongside many of the Islamic World's achievements during this time. No prior knowledge of Islam or Islamic history is required or necessary.

R1298: The Importance of Ethos
Difficulty: **
Teachers: mike flynn

Aristotle believe there were three main qualities needed in a convincing argument, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos, Greek of Character, is the most important of the three, because without credibility it doesn't matter how sound the argument, no one will listen. In this course, you will learn how to attain Ethos and employ it to your advantage in any argument. We will examine the importance of ethos through a variety of different movie and television clips.

R1299: Creative Writing: The World in Words
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Asha Lemmie

Do you like reading? Do you like writing? Want an in depth analysis of why Twilight is the worst thing that ever happened to America? Then sign up for this class! Share what you've written and learn how to translate the world around you or the world inside your head into words.

R1310: We are all just ordinary people Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lakeisha St Joy


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S1234: The Real Shark in the Water Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Hannah O'Day

S1324: The Failures of the Human Body: An Anatomy and Physiology Course
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Taylor Laffey

Why can we suffocate in a room full of oxygen? Why do fevers make us feel cold? While it may seem that our bodies are perfectly designed machines, they actually have a bunch of crazy flaws that prevent us from reaching our potential. Learn some of the more interesting flaws of the human body in a short lecture.

S1275: I've Got My Ion You Full!
Difficulty: **

S1265: Ebola, Ethics, and You!
Difficulty: **

What would you have done to manage the Ebola outbreak? Come learn of the ethics behind epidemic responses and healthcare systems

S1249: Amazing Organisms
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lucas Ortiz

There is often times more to the natural world than meets the eye. With an emphasis on evolutionary physiology, we will explore some unique organisms which have evolved peculiar and breathtaking adaptations to survive and reproduce in their environments. We will use video and scientific articles to delve in to the world of these amazing organisms.


S1303: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Peter Czajka

S1293: Nutrition and the Body
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Reginald Parris

Learn about nutrition and how to construct a healthy lifestyle.

S1248: Healthcare in the United States
Difficulty: **

Learn about the healthcare industry in United States.

S1312: Are You Alive? Assessing Vitals and More! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Atton

S1302: AHA Heartsaver CPR for Certification Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Lucas

S1235: Introduction to Neuroscience! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Egnor

S1306: Biofuels
Difficulty: **

This course will provide a cursory introduction to biofuels: what they are, how they are used and their possible impact on the environment. A discussion on alternative energy and its implications will follow.

S1311: Disaster Operations: Providing Medical Care to Victims During a Disaster! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Atton

S1304: The Science of Climate Change
Difficulty: **

This course will teach the students the background and science behind Climate Change. It will also touch on subjects such as ozone depletion, agriculture, and glacier melts. We will wrap up the course with a projection for the future impacts of climate change.


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X1262: BC Splash Leader Meet and Greet
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Splash Leaders

Come join our fantastic and knowledgeable Splash Leaders who will lead fun activities, and much more! These Boston College students (Splash Leaders) will even bring you to your first class. Participating in fun small group activities will help you meet other Splash and Boston College students. You will also get a chance to meet back up with your small group for lunch! When you arrive at Splash, you will find out who your Splash Leader will be. This will be the only option offered at 9 AM.

X1242: The East Coast-West Coast Hip Hop Rivalry
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Bryan Wiedemann

A summary of the events, people and music of The East Coast-West Coast Hip Hop rivalry.

X1334: Can You Teach Me to Football?
Difficulty: *

What is a sack? Why do teams punt? In today's America, football has come to dominate the national landscape. In this course, we will run through some of football's most basic rules. After this, we will run through some basic play designs and put our new-found knowledge into action.

X1288: A Blind Tour of Campus Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Samuel Cressman

X1290: Tech for Education: Finding the Right Tools for Personal Use
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ken Saxton

Times are changing on university campuses throughout the world. As students become increasingly dependent on technology use, it's not difficult to lose focus and miss out on day-to-day goals.

What are popular tech tools and apps for college students today? What are their respective benefits and drawbacks? Given the convenience and flexibility of online courses, will the campus of the future exist on a computer screen?

These are all questions we will explore in this class, through reflection, discussion, and relevant real-world examples.

Just a passion for technology!

X1260: Life Lessons from Spongebob Squarepants Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matthew McDonough

X1329: Power and Confidence: How to Claim It Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kelly Hoffman

X1323: Travel the World
Difficulty: *

Learn about various cultures through entertainment.

X1258: Behind the Scenes of Saturday Night Live Full!
Difficulty: *

X1301: Intro to Nursing
Difficulty: *

Curious about nursing as a profession? Thinking about going to nursing school? Come here all about it from two nursing students!

X1245: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Money! Full!
Difficulty: **

X1322: Outtatime: The Time Travel Theory of Back to the Future Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daniel Hysell

X1287: Follow the Leader Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alicia McCormick

X1243: Homefront: The War After the War
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Anthony Hernandez

People tend to believe that, when it comes to war, the battle ends when combat ceases. Yet, the alarming rate of suicides among our veterans paints a different picture. This course will discuss the effects of war on individuals, the failures of the VA system to properly care for our veterans, and more. It will be roughly half discussion and half lecture.

X1292: Jillian Michaels Inspired Workout Class
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emily Kleinlein

Are you interested in learning about fitness? Join us for this Jillian Michaels inspired workout where you will learn all the basics to creating a well rounded workout. Students with all levels are fitness are encouraged to join!

X1313: How to Make Money 101: Basic Investment Strategies Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brian Evans, Lem Lim

X1321: The Truth About Trafficking
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Caroline McMahon

More people are in slavery today than at the height of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Human Trafficking is an issue that plagues people all over the world. Many people do not know the truth about how prevalent trafficking is within this country. Come learn about the real issues, preventive measures, and ways we can help.


X1276: Juggling 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: John Hanron

Are you looking to perfect your juggling skills or to develop a new talent? Come and learn the basic techniques of 3 ball juggling. No experience is necessary. By the end of this class, you will be able to impress all your friends with your new found talent.

X1320: Mastering Your Memory
Difficulty: **

Ever wanted to have a better memory? Learn the techniques that international memory champions use to memorize the order of shuffled decks of cards, strings of numbers, and names of people. These techniques can be used in all aspects of everyday life.

X1231: The Lure of Running: What it takes to succeed in distance running
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Carson Truesdell

Distance running is a lifestyle - it takes months and even years of consistently training the right way to succeed. This class will give you an in depth explanation of distance running training, nutrition, injury prevention and much more!

An eagerness to learn and a passion for running!

X1246: All Started by a Mouse Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Cassie Gaff

X1250: The Growing Fitness Industry and Social Media
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sophia Neff

X1254: Public Speaking
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brendan Koscher

I will focus on teaching basic but important skills for effective public speaking, using personal examples, video examples, and a power point slide

X1255: How To Be A Social Butterfly!
Difficulty: *

Ever wanted to find out what it really takes to be "that guy" or "that girl" who just seems like they're friends with everyone? Opening yourself up to the world is actually a very simple process! The main goal of this class will be the idea that it is all about how you present yourself to the world. This fun, interactive class will demonstrate the different ways to do this in ways applicable to the world around you! REPEAT STUDENTS WELCOME!

An open mind and desire to be friendly/meet people!

X1273: Body By Science: How Working Out Less Can Get You The Body You Always Wanted
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alis Dicpinigaitis

The fitness world is plagued with erroneous claims and misconceptions. Take this course that is routed in science and research to find out how working out once a week and eating right can give you the healthy and good-looking body you've always wanted. For boys and girls.

X1279: How to be Googley
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Arev Doursounian

Hear from Boston College's very own Google Student Ambassador on how the company Google works! Watch a presentation on Google given by an employee, learn about its amazing campus, answer trivia questions, and even walk away with some awesome Google swag! Come with any questions you have to learn about the company that's been ranked the #1 workplace in the US and internationally for the past 5+ years. This is your chance to be Googley!

Loves to use Google! And wants to learn how to be Googley :)

X1282: Harry Potter Goes to BC
Difficulty: *
Teachers: John Walsh

This class will explore Harry Potter from the perspective of a Boston College Student and the Jesuit ideals of education, which will delve into the moral and spiritual development of Harry through the lens of the Jesuit ideals:attentiveness, reflection, and love. The class will be conversation- based, with a brief PowerPoint and a few video clips to help create themes that prompt dialogue. I hope this class will be full of great conversation, childhood nostalgia, a few good laughs, and most importantly, give you an appreciation for both Harry Potter and Boston College.

The only prerequisite is having read all seven books or to seen all the movies to avoid spoiler alerts!!

X1286: Introduction to Anime
Difficulty: *

If you know the Pokemon theme song by heart, this is the class for you. We offer an introduction to the exciting world of anime (Japanese animation)! We will discuss some themes of the three main archetypes of anime: shojo, shounen and kodomo. We will delve into the rich culture of Japan through this underrated art form.

X1328: How to Invest: Strategies for Making Money Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kieran Palumbo

X1331: The Economics of Love and Relationships
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sean O'Rourke

Why some people win 'the game' in pubs, clubs and bars, the principles at play, and how to find your other half.


X1332: The Social Psychology of "Friends": Will they be there for you?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Mary Stygles

How to make the right choices about love, work, and relationships in your twenties, and why our favorite characters from Friends might be doing it wrong