Splash Biography


Major: studio art

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Jessica Lu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A1151: Drawing, Studio Art class in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 16, 2014)
This class is designed to give a quick introduction to drawing media and techniques. Basic ideas of light and shadow, tones, lines, shapes, composition, and porprotions will be introduced. Students will also have a chance to sketch from live models. This class is highly recommended for those interested in studio art.

A1066: Drawing, Studio Art class in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
This class is designed to give a quick introduction to drawing media and techniques. Basic ideas of light and shadow, tones, lines, shapes, composition, and porprotions will be introduced. Students will also have a chance to sketch from live models. This class is highly recommended for those interested in studio art.