Splash Biography

NATHANIEL JAFFE, Third Year BC Law Student

Major: Law School

College/Employer: BC

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Nathaniel Jaffe

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a former research scientist and high school science teacher.

I'm currently finishing a degree at BC Law and will be specializing in life-sciences and healthcare law after graduation.

I have a passion for futurism, genetics, and big scientific questions!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S2201: Intro to Nuclear Power in Splash Spring 2023 (Mar. 26, 2023)
Nuclear power is a fascinating and under-discussed part of our natural world. Uranium is simply a metal, but it has the power to provide nearly limitless carbon-free energy, or to end life on this planet. This class will introduce students to how nuclear power and nuclear weapons work, and the debates about both. Students will learn how to use a Geiger counter.

S2202: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in Splash Spring 2023 (Mar. 26, 2023)
Genetic engineering technology is maturing, and is frequently applied to plants, animals, and microorganisms. The technology is already being applied to human beings in a limited sense. What should the future hold? Should parents be allowed to genetically engineer their children? This course will introduce students to the basics behind genetic engineering technology, then we'll discuss the ethical and medical arguments on both sides of the issue.

S2184: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in Splash BC Splash 2022 Fall (Nov. 13, 2022)
Genetic engineering is not science fiction! With CRISPR and related technologies, we can edit the genes of human eggs or embryos. It's already been done with a variety of crops. Scientists are working on the possibility of gene editing in adults, too. Is this wrong? Are humans not meant to mess with nature? Or are the benefits worth it? What are the limits on the use of these technologies in the US, and what should they be? This class will give you the background knowledge to talk intelligently about genetic engineering, and we'll discuss what the arguments are on each side. You might find that your gut reaction to genetic engineering isn't the opinion you leave the class with. Be prepared to share your thoughts! This class will be discussion based.

S2197: Introduction to Uranium in Splash BC Splash 2022 Fall (Nov. 13, 2022)
Uranium is literal lightning in a bottle. It can provide nearly limitless carbon-free energy, or be used to destroy cities. In this class, you'll learn the basics of how nuclear power and nuclear weapons work. We'll discuss the social debates regarding both of these topics - come ready to talk! Students will additionally learn how to use a Geiger counter.

S2151: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in BC_Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 10, 2022)
Genetic engineering technology is already quite advanced and we commonly alter the genetics of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Genetic engineering in humans has not yet become common, but it will inevitably arise in our lifetimes. What should the limits be? What ethical, legal, and personal considerations should we take into account? This class will briefly introduce you to how genetic engineering technology works, and then we will discuss the countervailing arguments on how genetic engineering should be regulated. Be prepared to discuss. I am interested in learning what you think - not just hearing myself talk. You may find that you leave this class with a different opinion than you had before!

S2101: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in BC Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 14, 2021)
Should parents be able to select or genetically edit an embryo to eliminate physical defects or diseases? What about a mental illness? How about for cosmetic purposes? It might seem futuristic, but the technology to do these things is already here. Genetic engineering is a maturing technology that is used for agriculture, scientific research, and human health. This class will give you a brief introduction to how genetic engineering and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) work, and why parents may choose to use them. The majority of the class will be devoted to discussing the countervailing medical, ethical, and personal freedom issues involved in genetic selection of human beings. Please be prepared to talk!

S2078: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in BC_Splash BC Splash Spring 2021 (Mar. 28, 2021)
Genetic engineering is not science fiction! With CRISPR and related technologies, we can edit the genes of human eggs or embryos. It's already been done with a variety of crops. Scientists are working on the possibility of gene editing in adults, too. Is this wrong? Are humans not meant to mess with nature? Or are the benefits worth it? What are the limits on the use of these technologies in the US, and what should they be? This class will give you the background knowledge to talk intelligently about genetic engineering, and we'll discuss what the arguments are on each side. You might find that your gut reaction to genetic engineering isn't the opinion you leave the class with. Be prepared to share your thoughts! This class will be discussion based.