BC_Splash BC Splash Spring 2021
Course Catalog

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Arts College Prep.
Humanities STEM


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A2072: Two Friends Mixes: Ranking the Music Gurus' Works
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Luke Bryan

The "Big Bootie Mixes" are a series of 1 hour long music remixes that make up some of the most listened to tracks on soundcloud. Their success isn't unwarranted, as the DJs (named Two Friends) meticulously line up tracks to both create continuity but also surprise the listener. In this class, we're going to look at what makes or breaks their most recent tracks (and give them a listen or two).

A2047: Feel the Beat!!
Difficulty: **

Come out and join us for virtual Zumba! We will be able to dance, feel the beat, and have a fun virtual work out. There is no such thing as mistakes...just unexpected solos! No dancing experience necessary :)

A2071: Why We Sound Better When We Sing In The Shower
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Osborne

All of us sing in the shower at some point, and we all think we sound amazing. But, when we get out, people tell us we aren't as good as we think we are. So, why do we sound better in the shower? In this class, we will explore the science behind why we all sound better when we sing in the shower.

A2036: The Grid Method: Get super good at art the easy way
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ria Talathi

Want to be able to draw like a pro? Take this class and make a great drawing in just 50 minutes. You don't need any talent or skill, just a ruler, a pencil and some time! The grid method helps you look at your picture differently so you can make great drawings without pulling your hair out. (inspired by an actual Drawing Fundamentals class taught at BC so come try out a mini college art class!)

A2058: Painting Away the Pain!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zarah Lakhani

Do you like to paint? Or talk? Come join as we talk about the education system as well as paint!

Make sure you have paint, brushes and a canvas or paper!

A2065: Abstract Watercolor Art
Difficulty: *

We will be creating an abstract watercolor design with an in trend line drawing on top

Students need watercolors, a canvas, and a sharpie marker

A2035: Singing for musical theater
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Qingyang Zhou

Love listening to songs in musical theaters?

Join our thirty-minute journey for singing for musical theater!

We’ll have ten minutes vocal exercise and then choose one piece of theater music from three to learn!


A2050: An Afternoon at the Movies
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Kraus

For anyone who loves the movies-- tune on in! Get a crash course on what makes a movie good, and talk about some of your fave movies.

College Prep.

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C2064: Time and Money Management: College Edition Full!
Difficulty: **

ome learn everything about time and money management, so you can get three essays done in a week, while still having enough time and money to hang out with your friends on the weekends! We will discuss some tips and tricks we have learned for making your college experience a balance between good grades, and even better fun.


C2091: So, You're Interested in Law School?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Naziha Bugazia

Want to learn more about how to prepare for law school while in high school and in college? Join this interactive class with tips on how to best prepare yourself for a career in law and test your knowledge of basic legal terms and law school information through fun games!

C2084: Pre-Med track... What does that mean?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ally Nohmy

Do you have a passion for the humanities and sciences, an aspiration to become a doctor? This class will discuss the basics of the Pre-Med track including the recommended/required classes along with the possible careers that go along with it.

C2075: I Need to Get Into College...Send Help
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Nicole Huie

*CALLING ALL STUDENTS WHO NEED TO GET INTO COLLEGE AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE DOING* Listen, I've been through this, and many others have as well. Choosing the right college can feel like such a permanent decision, and this course explores how to select a college or university out of the hundreds out there. This class will cover the types of collegiate institutions, the college list, recommendation letters, and general financial aid (need-based vs. need-blind vs. merit-based vs. a bunch of other confusing money words). At the end of the course, students will have the resources and materials to either start planning for their college admissions process or start applying immediately. While in the course, students will be splitting their efforts learning about college and admissions, but they will also be required to take a large amount of time to do some personal reflections that will help them choose career paths.

A desire to learn about college/wanting to learn about college outside of your parents/guardians forcing you to select this course. Open to all high school students interested in learning more about the enigma that is college (*cue spooky, dramatic music*).


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H2026: Conlanging
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Dyson Ye

Have you ever wondered how the languages of High Valyrian, Dothraki, and Sindarin were invented? Have you ever wanted to create a language yourself? This class will feature a broad introduction to linguistics, and students will explore the various steps of language creation as they work collaboratively to create a new language.

H2029: What the Heck is a Blue Raspberry? : Sociology of a Color
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Matthew Vaccaro

Why did Homer claim the sea is "wine-dark" ? How are Ancient Egypt, Columbus's travels, and Isaac Newton's love of witchcraft connected? Most importantly, why are raspberry ice pops blue?

These questions and more will be explained in a crash course of the history, science, and psychology behind the most influential color on the rainbow

H2019: How To Become A Better Person
Difficulty: *

Inspired by feedback from students who attended BC Splash Fall 2020, we've put together a course to address the topic of how to become a better person. Both teachers for this course are graduate students studying mental health counseling, and they will be sharing insight on how to become a better person from a counseling perspective as well as insight from their own personal lives.

H2020: The Endless Tunnel: America in Vietnam
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Hugh Notman

In this class, we'll be talking about America's involvement in the conflict in Vietnam, examining its causes, practices, and implications.

H2081: Originalism v. The Living Constitution
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Morgan Hunt

Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are typically associated with a "conservative" or a "liberal" interpretation of the Constitution. But these labels don't necessarily refer to political ideologies, rather they describe how a justice thinks about the Constitution and their role as a member of the highest court. This class will compare the two main judicial philosophies of today: originalism, typically associated with a conservative interpretation, and the living constitution, typically associated with a liberal interpretation.

H2034: Mindfulness 101
Difficulty: *

Do you want to learn what mindfulness is and why it's helpful to everyone? Do you want to learn ways to be more mindful of how you're feeling and what you're thinking? Then this class is for you!

H2069: Characteristics of a Jesuit Education
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kristyn Stoia

Ever wonder what it means to be a man or woman for others? What's Cura Personalis? To find God in all things? Thorough intellectual inquiry, sincere care for individuals and communities, the search for the truth in all things, passion for using knowledge in service to others—these values are deeply embedded in our culture as part of our Jesuit, Catholic heritage.

H2032: Thinking Like a Politician: Political Game Theory
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ian Black

Should lawmakers vote for their own pay increase? In what order should the House Speaker set up floor votes? What is a poison pill amendment? In this course we will study game theory and apply it to multiple scenarios in political science.

H2076: How to Win Every Argument Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Lauren White

If you like to argue, this class is for you! We're going to teach you how to win every argument by introducting you to Parliamentary Debate. It teaches you to think quickly and come up with creative arguments while helping build public speaking skills. We (the Parliamentary Debating Union of BC) can't wait to hear what you come up with!

H2039: Augustine's Motivation and the De Auxiliis Controversy
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Tanner Loper

Augustine of Hippo takes up the Stoic model of motivation when attempting to understand how the human mind receives grace, but Stoicism alone is not powerful enough to explain this, so he borrows from Platonism to provide a full account. This account allows us to take a fresh look at the early modern De Auxiliis controversy. By the end of this class, students will be able to describe the tension in the De Auxiliis controversy and identify how Augustine's account of grace and justification fits in to it.

My other Stoicism Class. Recommended for full understanding, though not required.

H2062: The Forgotten Invasion of Russia
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zachary Westen

Everyone has heard of the mongol invasion of Russia, the Napoleonic invasion, and of course the German invasions in both world wars, but have you heard of the Swedish invasion? During his reign, Swedish child-king Charles XII invaded Russia and nearly succeeded. In this course, we will take a look at the invasion, where it succeeded and failed, and how Charles XII could have conquered Russia.

H2055: What the !@#$%^& is a "certiorari?": Intro to the Supreme Court
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Gordon Pollock

Interested in becoming a lawyer? Want to learn more about the Supreme Court; the least-understood branch of the federal government but also one that's constantly been in the news? Maybe you just want to impress your friends parents at dinner! This class will cover the basics of the Supreme Court and the federal judicial branch, breaking down both the latest buzz and the history of the court.

H2038: Thinking Lighter of Yourself and Deeper of the World:Creative Writing Workshop
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Olivia Krause

Creative writing introduction and workshop!

H2087: Racism & Disney
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Carolyn King

From The Little Mermaid to The Lion King, many Disney films over the years have included depictions and themes that might surprise you. Join me for an interactive guide through some problems found in the Disney movies we all know and love, and explore the ways that Disney and other media companies can grow to create content that positively portrays BIPOC.

H2041: Foundations of Fantasy: Intro to Medieval Literature
Difficulty: *

Have you ever wondered where J.R.R. Tolkien got the inspiration for Lord of the Rings? Or what Game of Thrones is really based on? Join us in our exploration of early medieval literature! We'll travel back in time to the 8th century AD in order to engage with characters whose mystique has captured readers' imaginations for ages. Get ready to meet Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and Merlin as you never have before!

H2037: Stoicism: Perception and Sensibility
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Tanner Loper

This short course will examine the connections between the Stoic ideas of perception, impressions, and motivation. By the end of the course, students will understand the Stoic concepts of phantasiai, oikeiôsis, and horme as well as how they relate to consent and moral judgements within the Stoic framework.

Be a human.

H2067: Father Himes Three Questions: A Lesson on Discernment
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kristyn Stoia

Want to understand what you should do with your life? Are you figuring out what to major in at BC? Are you trying to find your place in the world? Father Himes, a Theology Professor here at BC asks three questions that can help us answer these things for us.

H2090: Crash Course in Philosophy
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Betul Gaffari

This class will be on the history of philosophy in the West, as well as the fundamentals of some of the most famous thinkers and movements in philosophy.

H2077: Intro to Irish Mythology Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Julia Zabriskie

You've likely heard of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology, but did you know that Ireland has its own rich mythological history and folklore as well? This class will explore Irish mythology, how it evolved, and how it influences culture today.

H2052: Socialism in the 20th Century: What was it, and what became of it?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Paxton Decker

The 20th century saw the world's first established Socialist society, the Soviet Union, emerge from the rubble of Tsarist Russia. 50 years later, the USSR was the second-most world power, and had been joined by dozens of similarly minded countries across Europe, Asia, African, and Latin America that all saw solidarity with the mission to build Socialism and Communism. Today, only five of these countries remain. What happened? How did Socialism work, and what were its effects? What can the ghost of 20th century Socialism teach us today?


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S2083: Forensics 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ally Nohmy

Have you ever wondered how Criminal Minds or CSI worked in real life? Me too! In this class we will identify suspects based on handwriting analysis, fingerprints, and much more.

S2057: Infant to Teen Psychology: How We Become Who We Are!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emma Schmiege

Why do babies laugh when playing peek-a-boo? Are people born smart or do people become smart? Why is it that boys tend to play with boys and girls tend to play with girls? Does strict parenting generate better or worse behaved children? Are teenagers really moody, or is that just a myth?

In this class you'll learn about how you came to be the person you are today! We'll follow the development of a newborn, investigating how genetics and life experiences impact a child's personality and outlook on the world.

S2086: Let's Innovate! A Choose Your Own Adventure Game about Technology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: John Zulewski

Together we'll explore how the world's greatest technological breakthroughs occurred (with an emphasis on computing). At each milestone in history we'll vote on what we would have done at that time. Where will we end up? That's for you to help decide! Anyone with a curiosity in technology, history, or innovation is welcome!

S2059: Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Medical and Daily Application
Difficulty: ***

Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the structures, interactions, and properties of carbon-based organic molecules. A class that is required for pre-med and STEM students, many of the concepts learned in this class will help hone down study skills and critical thinking that are useful in medical school and beyond. This class will help high school students who are interested in going pre-med or STEM to get a basic knowledge of organic compounds and learn some dope stuff about organic chemistry in everyday life! This class will be collaboratively taught with Jenna Wilken.

Basic knowledge of Chemistry required. AP Chemistry and AP Biology preferred but not required.

S2028: How useful are quantum computers?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joshuah Heath

Interest in quantum computers has grown rapidly in the past few years, but how useful they are (a problem known as "quantum supremacy") is still an open question. In this mini-course, I will introduce the concept of entanglement, how quantum computers differ from classical computers, the basics of quantum complexity theory, and the kinds of questions quantum computers can solve (and can't solve).

algebra, trigonometry, basic understanding of computers

S2061: Math is Weird, Math is Fun
Difficulty: **
Teachers: JD Biagioni

Despite everyone asking "when am I going to use math in real life?" numbers truly are all around us. Learn some of the more interesting uses of the subject, such as how math can tell you who to marry and determine if a company has committed accounting fraud just by looking at the first digits on a tax return. We'll also explore some ways in which math can lie, such as the proof that all horses are the same color or that 1=2.

S2027: Psychosocial Epidemiology
Difficulty: **

Ever wonder why some are more likely to develop a psychiatric disorder than others? In this class, we'll investigate different stressors and how they contribute to increasing a person's susceptibility to conditions like schizophrenia or depression. Investigating this through the use of epidemiology, we'll understand the prevalence of psychiatric conditions and the factors contributing to their manifestation.

S2030: Intro to Programming in Python Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Dyson Ye

A gentle introduction to the fundamentals of coding, conducted in the Python programming language. Topics covered will include input/output, types, variables, and control flow. This course is intended for students with no prior programming experience.

To follow along with the course, install Python from the official Python website, python dot org. The course will use Python 3.8, but you can use any version after 3.1.

S2056: Global Public Health Issues & How We Can Help
Difficulty: *

Are you interested in learning more about public health and how you can make an impact on your local and global community? Boston College MEDLIFE will be hosting this class to teach about public health principles and share about MEDLIFE, a non-profit organization that works to provide medicine, education, and development in low-income communities in South America. We are so excited to share that mission with all of you!

S2021: COVID-19: Understanding and Modeling Viruses
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nikhil Neelagaru

Are you interested in how scientists track the spread of infectious diseases or pathogens like viruses? Are you curious about how a viral pathogen causes disease? This is the class for you!
We will explore different ways to model how a disease spreads through a population, including the famed SIR model, as well as discuss the molecular biology and pathogenesis of viruses.

NO REQUIRED PRE-REQUISITES. If you haven taken Biology or Chemistry, this is useful but not required.

S2022: Straws and Turtles: Our Global Plastic Pollution Problem
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jenna Mu

Have you ever heard the hashtags #StrawFree or #SaveTheTurtles? Have you ever wondered why exactly plastic straws, and other plastic products, pose a threat to the environment and organisms living in it? If so, this class is for you! We will explore the sources of plastic pollution, and the harmful effects of plastic on the health of the environment, organisms (including humans), and even economies. We will also explore several solutions to this issue, and answer the question "What can we, as students, do to help solve this issue?"

S2040: Neurophysiology of Timothy Syndrome
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Bridget Brady

Interested in neuroscience? Electrophysiology? Take a deep dive into the effects of the G406R mutation on the Cav1.2 ion channel. Have no idea what any of that means? No problem! I love to talk Neuroscience and we will start from the bottom up.

Be well practiced at kindness.

S2051: Understanding Cryptocurrency
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Warren Bischoff

Learn everything you need to know about how cryptocurrency functions, as well as how to use it for your benefit! We will discuss how the blockchain works, some of the new apps and technology being invented, and learn a little about finance.

S2074: Congressional Apportionment
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Ian Black

Every decade, the United States conducts a census to determine the population. Congressional seats are divided among the states. Congressional apportionment is the process by which states are granted seats. It is a surprisingly contested issue with no clear answer. In this course, we will look at some of the formulas used to divide congressional seats and their various problems.

Please bring a calculator

S2080: Cancer: Investigations of Basic Biology and Public Health
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daniel Pacella

In this course, we will learn about the fundamentals of the disease of cancer (in the context of disease progression and treatment) using concepts discussed in a high school biology course. We will then proceed into a sociological and epidemiological study of the incidence of the disease throughout the globe.

Some previous biology course would be helpful, but not necessary

S2044: Pre-Dental Info Session

Pre-Dental Info Session will provide fundamental details on the experience of a pre-dental student, including prerequisite courses and volunteer opportunities. This course is perfect for anyone interested in pursuing a dental career!

S2088: The Final Frontier: A History of Space Exploration
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Schultz

In this class, we will explore the origins and missions that defined the Space Race and the continued effort to explore the final frontier of humanity, outer space. From the rockets that have lifted probes off to distant planets and the capsules that carried men to the moon, I will cover the past, present, and future of space travel. I will cover the principles that govern these trips enough to assist in teaching but not enough to confuse anyone.

S2031: Intro to Game Programming
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Dyson Ye

Making a video game from scratch is a difficult and time-consuming task. This course aims to demystify some of the basics. We will introduce some fundamental concepts and practices of game programming; topics covered will include the game loop, objects/classes, and computer graphics. Prior programming experience, especially in Python, is recommended.

This course will be conducted in Python, using the Pygame library (version 2.0.0). You can install Pygame from its official website, pygame dot org.

S2048: How to Save a Life
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven LaFever

Are you interested in science, medicine, or just want to learn how to help people in a medical emergency? Then this class is for you! This class will cover topics such as how to perform CPR and use an AED, how to stop bleeding, how to help someone having an allergic reaction, and much more! We will also go over how to call 911 and get a scene set up for medical professionals. Absolutely no prior knowledge is required and this class is geared towards people with no medical training.

S2049: Want to be an EMT?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven LaFever

Are you interested in science or medicine? Have you taken a First Aid class and are thinking about getting your EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification? Had no idea what EMT stood for before reading the last sentence but are interested in what the people in an ambulance do? Perfect! This class will cover topics including, but not limited to: how to become certified as an EMT, what EMT's do working on an ambulance, and what being an EMT can help you become in the future. No prior experience or knowledge is required; anyone interested is welcome to attend! This class will be taught by current Boston College Emergency Medical Services EMT's and will give students an understanding of what we do as well as EMT's at other services.

S2093: The science behind photography
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven Kim

Improve your photos or learn how to take it for the first time through the perspective of Mathematics! Through this course you will learn that there's beauty in every snap of a camera when done with both a scientific and creative mind.

S2053: Math intersects Art: Tessellations!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kenneth Bettermann

Want to create art like the Ancient Egyptians? Then tessellations are for you! These patterns of shapes with no gaps or overlaps were used by the Egyptians for mosaics, and are still used today in video game design. In this class you will learn about different types of tessellations, creative ways to make them, and the math behind why tessellations work. If time allows, we might also cover 3-D tessellations and tessellations over curves.

You should bring scissors, paper without holes, and a ruler to the class.

S2078: Ethics of Genetic Engineering
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Nathaniel Jaffe

Genetic engineering is not science fiction! With CRISPR and related technologies, we can edit the genes of human eggs or embryos. It's already been done with a variety of crops. Scientists are working on the possibility of gene editing in adults, too.

Is this wrong? Are humans not meant to mess with nature? Or are the benefits worth it? What are the limits on the use of these technologies in the US, and what should they be?

This class will give you the background knowledge to talk intelligently about genetic engineering, and we'll discuss what the arguments are on each side. You might find that your gut reaction to genetic engineering isn't the opinion you leave the class with.

Be prepared to share your thoughts! This class will be discussion based.

A background knowledge of genes and DNA will be useful, but not required.


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X2070: What Makes a Show Binge-Worthy? Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tania Yevdaev

The course "What Makes a Show Binge-Worthy, will explore the characteristics of binge-worthy shows. With this exploration we will be able to answer why we feel so inclined to continue watching past our bedtime. We will have an open discussion on what particular shows we find enjoyable. As a bonus I will also follow up with a valid list of binge-worthy shows.

X2063: A Beginner's Guide to Sports Analytics
Difficulty: *
Teachers: JD Biagioni

Touchdowns and home run totals are so last century. Learn how sports teams go beyond the box score and use advanced data to gain a competitive edge. Even if you don't end up as general manager, this course will give you a leg up in fantasy and when you make bets with friends.

Basic math and statistics knowledge.

X2023: Beginner’s Guide to D&D
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Noel De Leon

Get to know easy ways to understand D&D 5th Edition as a Game Master and/or Player. Learn how create a character, the differences between classes and races, and what the numbers mean (looks complicated but I promise it’s easy).

Basic Algebra

X2092: How to Be an Effective Student Leader
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Naziha Bugazia

Want to learn tips, tricks, advice and the characteristics needed to become an effective student leader? Then, this is the class for you! I will talk about my experience in student government and how I have increased my leadership skills through those experiences.

X2085: Introduction to Water Polo
Difficulty: *
Teachers: William Attisha

Ever heard of the sport of water polo?
If not, now is the perfect time to learn!
In this class we will go through the basic history of water polo, some of the basic skills/fundamentals, and also watch some film from an Olympic Water Polo game. There will be opportunities to ask questions. Come ready to learn and engage!

X2024: Insight on Religion and Human Truth
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Noel De Leon

Comparing the different world religions to see what that they have in common a divine sense at the core while acknowledging the different human cultures that shape religion. Furthermore, shed some light on the religious and philosophical debate of which religion or path is best to follow on an individual basis

Know the basics of at least 1 major religion such as what is their form of salvation and their divine. An example being God and Heaven for Christianity

X2066: stress and de-stress... how to deal with productivity culture
Difficulty: **
Teachers: ijaabo ali

sometimes we find ourselves stuck in an endless cycle of working and never stopping to breaks.

X2025: Splash Leader Panel
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Zachary Westen

This is a casual seminar style course led by the Splash Leaders to answer all your questions relating to the college admissions process, college life, or just any general question about majors, classes, clubs, etc. Take a break from academic classes and spend some time with the eccentric and knowledgeable Splash Leaders gaining all the valuable information you would need to know to be ready for college!

X2043: Stress Management
Difficulty: *

hi! welcome to stress management (: today we are going to be talking about how to reframe stress in order to effectively lead and support your mental health! we look forward to meeting you all ♡♡ (meeting time: 50-60 mins)

- camera! I want to see you all! - journal/paper & pen

X2073: A History of Sneakers: How Sneaker Culture Changed Fashion.
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Niklas Simonsen

Over the past century, sneakers have become an ever more important part of modern fashion, with prices skyrocketing into the thousands. This course will examine how sneaker culture, especially during the late 20th century and 21st century, has changed how we dress and view the most utilitarian part of our attire.

X2042: folklore of Taylor Swift: Justice and Equity in 21st Century US Celebrity Culture
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Mary Rose Corkery

"Dear John,”
Have you considered that “the last great american dynasty,” “The Man,” and many other Taylor Swift songs share philosophical maxims on regional identity, gender relations, and wealth distribution, just to name a few? Let’s have fun breaking down the lyrics and context of some highlights of her fantastic career to consider what we can learn about social justice and advocacy within the complex realm of celebrity culture. Opinionated Swifties and opinionated non-Swifties welcome.

Other topics mentioned within the course: One Direction and global celebrity mania, women in country music

Familiarity with discography of Taylor Swift

X2094: Is Pasta A Smoothie?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ashley Antico

Do you ever wonder if a hotdog is a sandwich? Join this interactive class where we decide how random objects are defined and then search to connect them with other things! We will look at if a hotdog or hamburger is a sandwich, if pasta is a smoothie, and then use your suggestions to explore more connections. Come and join the fun!

X2082: Adulting 101 Full!
Difficulty: *

Life's tough...we're here to give you some tips and tricks to navigate the complexities of adulthood! We will explore a wide variety of themes including the do's and don'ts of growing up, managing the stress of independence, and taking on responsibilities all while maintaining a balance between school and socials!
