BC Splash Fall 2019
Course Catalog

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Arts College Prep.
Lunch Humanities
Science Miscellaneous


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A1874: Improve Your Photography!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jeff Wu

Do you want to improve your photography? Maybe up your Insta game? Well this course is for you!

We will go over some photography basics and move into specific techniques to improve your shots.

Instructor will be Jeff Wu. You can view his work here: https://www.jeffwuphotography.com

A1910: Drawing Mandalas!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ashley Antico

Come learn how to draw mandalas! Whether you've never drawn anything, or your notes are covered with the cutest doodles in the world, or you are Pablo Picasso, this class is for you! We will cover the basics of mandala drawing and some cool designs, and then get creative making our own!

A1899: Party Dancing 101
Difficulty: *

Come to learn how to do different line dances including: the cupid shuffle, the church clap, and the biker shuffle! Previous experience in dance or line dancing not required. Come for a great time and some groovy moves!

College Prep.

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C1885: I Need to Get Into College...Send Help
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Nicole Huie


Listen, I've been through this, and many others have as well. Choosing the right college can feel like such a permanent decision, and this course explores how to select a college or university out of the hundreds out there. This course will cover the types of collegiate institutions, the college list, recommendation letters, and general financial aid (need based vs. need blind vs. merit based vs. a bunch of other confusing money words).

Course Prerequisite: A desire to learn about college/wanting to learn about college outside of your parents/guardians forcing you to select this course

C1908: Intro to Resume Writing
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Cara Sarelli

Do you need help starting your resume, or want to learn some tips and trips to spruce it up for college and job applications? This presentation is guaranteed to help you get your resume in shape, and is tailored for high school students who may have limited work experience. Feel free to bring a copy of your resume if you have one or just take notes so you can work on yours later!

C1889: I'm About to be a First Generation College Student
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mylinh Tran

Are you a first generation student that's about to enter college? College is a great experience but when it feels like there's a lot riding on your shoulders, it can feel scary. But don't worry, because you don't have to do this alone.

This class will help prepare first generation college students on what to expect, some helpful tips, and ultimately discuss what it means to first generation.

C1880: Highest Grades Lowest Effort
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ria Talathi

Ever wonder how you're supposed to get good grades, do extracurriculars, have a job, exercise, sleep 8 hours a night AND have a social life? Well I'm a Biochem premed major, former IB student, and have maintained a high GPA without ever missing a party or pulling an all-nighter. Come learn some tricks and tips on how to achieve the most while being your laziest. Spoiler alert: I'm mostly just gonna talk about how important naps are...


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L1911: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.


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R1888: Xin Chao!: An Introduction to Vietnamese
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mylinh Tran

Unlike most Asian languages, Vietnamese actually has an alphabet instead of characters. Come learn the language of one of the fastest growing Asian populations in Massachusetts! Vietnamese is a tonal language that has five main accents. Know the difference between bá, bá, ba or you'll end up sounding like a sheep!

R1882: Socrates: Making Fans and Foes Across Ancient Greece
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lauren White

Socrates was both loved and hated in Greece. His arguments (and sass) against the so-called "wise" men of his day have become legendary, both for their historical and philosophical content. This class will examine Socrates' arguments, philosophy, and how they contributed to the story of his life (and untimely death).

R1876: Invent Your Own Language
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Dyson Ye

Have you ever wondered how the languages of High Valyrian, Dothraki, and Sindarin were invented? Have you ever wanted to create a language of your own? This class will feature a broad introduction to linguistics, and students will work collaboratively to create the foundation for a language.

R1877: Global Public Health Issues and How We Can Help
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Zoe Fanning

We will discuss the biggest public health issues that our world faces today and the ways in which we can work to solve them.

R1884: The Shakespearean Sonnet and Other Forms of Creative Writing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rachel Drew

Learn to write a sonnet and other creative writing styles!

R1893: Learn how to read Korean!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joe Jeong

Korean letters are phonograms, which means that just like English letters, each Korean letters represents a particular sound(or particular sounds) and we can read it if we know the rules! Korean was invented by the lead of King Sejong in 1443, out of compassion towards his subjects who cannot read or write Chinese characters. One of the core goals that was in mind of the creators of Korean was to make it "easy to learn". We can all do it.
This course is limited to the very basics of reading and maybe writing Korean. We will write the sounds of English words in Korean letters, just to get a grip of how the Korean letters work. Learning actual words and sentences as well as learning grammar will not be covered. This course's main purpose is to grab your interest in learning Korean.

R1901: Live A Great Story: Ted Talk Edition
Difficulty: *

In this course, we will examine the power of a Ted Talk. Ted Talks are used to share a story with the world. We all are here to live a great story. What can you share? Who has transformed you into the person you are today? What are you passionate about? During our session, we will have a chance to answer those questions while piecing together parts of our own story after learning and listening to others share theirs :)

R1904: Congress 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Adam Martin

Congress is often talked about alongside the President, but what is it? What's the difference between a Senator and a Representative? Why does Congress matter? Wanna learn about it? This will give you a Crash Course 101 breaking down our government's legislative branch.

R1902: 2020 Elections: An Introduction
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Adam Martin

Believe it or not, the 2020 campaign for President is already well under way, and there's a record-setting number of candidates to choose from. But with so many options and names floating around, it can be hard to keep track. This course will introduce you to some of the big names on the campaign trail as well as things to look out for as you follow the race.

R1900: Introduction to Art Historical Thinking
Difficulty: **
Teachers: JEREMY LiM

In this introduction, we will learn about the different ways we can analyze Artworks, primarily paintings. By visually analyzing paintings, we will train our eyes to look at Art in a more critical way. We will look at a variety of paintings throughout time and different styles to compare with each other.

R1906: Using Wit to Solve the Impossible, as Taught by Mythology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicholas Dulock

We often see mythological heroes as muscular behemoths who solve their issues with brawn and brutality; but that's not the case. The vast majority of heroes actually utilized their wit to overcome the supposedly impossible. Mortals armed with manipulation, misdirection, cunning, and quick-thinking conquered even the gods. Learning from their legends, we can do the same!

R1903: What's the Constitution?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Adam Martin

The Constitution is brought up a lot as important to American society, but what's actually in it? This class will give you a crash course of what the Constitution says about how American government is structured and how the document's content and interpretation has changed over its 230 year history.

R1897: The History of Ice Cream
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Lauren Beck

Join us for a fun overview of the history of ice cream! We will cover origins of the dessert, as well as how its consumption and production have changed throughout the years.

R1887: Logical Fallacies
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nick Claudio

Do you like to argue? Do you like to win when you argue? This course is perfect for just this pursuit. In this class, you will learn how to go beyond simply telling someone in an argument that they are wrong, you will learn several ways to point out flaws in your opponent's logic. There are few things more satisfying than declaring in an argument, "Not only are you wrong, but here is the error in your reasoning..."

The second part of the class will be focused on what is perhaps the most controversial logical topic related to fallacious argument: induction. After the course, students can expect to leave feeling more confident in their ability to reason, to have an understanding of the basic syllogism, and to develop an inspiration for questioning the methods by which we practice natural philosophy and modern science.


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S1886: Talking to Aliens
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kevin O'Hara

Are we alone in the universe? Probably not, but how should we say hello? Should we say hello? What have we been saying already? What could we expect our neighbors to be like? Come learn about aliens to prep for the next Area 51 event.

S1895: Neuroscience of social and emotional memory Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ryan Daley

S1873: What is Forensic Science?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erin Ruigrok

Forensic scientists are very popular on many TV crime shows, but what is the science behind what they really do? Join us as we investigate the basics of forensic science - including a brief history, fingerprints, DNA, and more. There will even be a short laboratory component where we practice dusting for fingerprints!

S1909: Intro to Advanced Physics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joseph Kenealy

We'll talk about spacetime and some other things that aren't covered in high school physics classes.

S1892: Intro to Marine Science: How The Ocean Moves & Ocean Pollution
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Olivia Colombo

Interested in learning how our ocean moves? Or how plastic pollution moves about? In this blend of chemistry, physics, and marine biology, we'll keep a lab notebook and learn through doing labs. We'll analyze plastic types from the ocean, simulate ocean currents in a tank, and do water quality tests. Join marine science teacher Olivia in learning all about the ocean!

S1881: The Chemistry of Lava Lamps Full!
Difficulty: *

S1907: Neuroscience and Positive Psychology: Implications for Mental Health
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Cara Sarelli

This class will explain the basics of neuroscience and its implications for advances in mental health treatment. It will explain how scientists, social workers, and mental health practitioners could work together to advance their respective fields and help people who struggle with low moods and negative thinking. There will be in-class exercises to show how you can generate positive emotions on the spot to ground or cheer yourself up in stressful or sad moments.

S1883: Science of the Sleeping Brain
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ryan Bottary

Each night we will lose contact with the external world for about 8 hours and enter our own inner world of sleep. During sleep we will pass through many different brain states and may experience vivid and bizarre mental imagery. If we have obtained a sufficient amount of sleep, we will awaken the next day with better memory, improved mood and potentially better health. This class will cover the science of why we sleep and how we can use sleep to benefit almost all aspects of our physical and brain health.


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X1898: Intro to Aviation
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nathan Rankin

Intro to aviation is a great start for someone who is curious about how planes fly, or are interested in pursuing a pilot's license. Some of the topics we will cover include the basic physics behind aerodynamics, airplane systems, air traffic control and the National Airspace System, and aviation weather.

X1905: Introduction to Tik Tok
Difficulty: *

This is a class dedicated to studying the new social media app, Tik Tok, formerly known as Musical.ly. This class will be broken up into four parts: 1) looking at the different types of accounts and users 2) studying and analyzing the content of the videos 3) considering the background audio and making your own audio 4) making a group Tik Tok using all the knowledge we learned in class!

None but a preference is having an account made beforehand. If not, we will leave a few minutes to do this at the beginning of the class.

X1890: A Brief History of the Walt Disney Company
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Snider

Everyone knows something about Disney, but have you ever wanted to know more? In this course, you'll learn the basic history of Disney from Walt to now. Learn about the first cartoons, the movies, the parks, and everything that went on behind the scenes!

X1891: A Look into Walt Disney's EPCOT
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Snider

You may know about the theme park EPCOT, but do you know the city? Learn about Walt Disney's uncompleted project for an experimental prototype community of tomorrow!

X1879: Intro to Entrepreneurship: Shark Tank Workshop

Come learn about the basics of entrepreneurship and venture capitalism. Students will engage in a Shark Tank style product pitch, where they will receive a business idea and work in teams to pitch their idea to the class!